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Multiplayer questions!

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Sun Apr 20, 2003 11:27 pm

Multiplayer questions!

I have the demo and i have a few multiplayer questions i'd be grateful if people could help me with:

1. Is there deathmatch, team deathmatch? and capture the flag style play?
2. Is there co-op play where teams get together against computer AI, over the internet?
3. Do you have to create your own ship each time you play?
4. Can you use your ship from singleplay in MP? What happens if you're ship is destroyed?
5. How personal are cockpit hailing avatars (eg, in SP when you're hailed you get a small picture of the person in the top left) - can you customise your look so that you're not just trent - and how many choices of avatar are there?
6. How is the lag?
7. Is connecting to servers easy and hassle free?
8. What's the best mode of MP?


see you, space cowboy...

Post Mon Apr 21, 2003 6:40 am

1. no to all kinda. unless the server has PK on, then it is PvP or team v team sort of.
2. only in missions that you take as a team. there are no story-line missions in MP., you start with the same ship on every server you sign up on. exception is if the server is running mods.
4. no, you cannot use your SP ship in MP. when you die in MP you lose everything in your cargo hold, all weapons not equiped, and a portion of your cash.
5. i'm going to say no, but there may be some mods out there for this, but i doubt it.
6. depends on several factors, your connection, the server's connection, server sys config, amount of people playing, and on and on. not too bad (i have dial-up)
7. every one that i have logged into has been hassle free, as long as they are there. some servers will go down for days.
8. depens on your style, i guess. best mode?



Edited by - Shadow750 on 21-04-2003 07:41:39

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