Post Thu Apr 17, 2003 12:00 am

Server does not register... Refresh/Restart/Reinstall change

I just don't understand this in the least bit. I am the sole admin of Squirrel's Server, hosting up to 64 players. Yes, 64. It can be done. But today, I get home, and there is the usual windows error message on the screen. This isn't unusual, seeing as I'm using XP. However, this time it had to do with FLServer. Since then, my server's stats are all 0, you cannot log on to it, and the ping is showing 1 instead of the usual ????. If I change my server name, edit the properties, whatever, it still displays the old information. Refresh list doesn't do anything.

This is not in the least bit cool.

I've got around 45 common players, average 15 players on the server, about one in four I actualy care about or have even made friends with. If anyone knows something that can be done to fix it, or what the initial problem was, please tell me. I just don't get it.

Sometimes, whoops IS the right answer.