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Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 3:01 pm


I had a conflict with someone and he somhow got this guy who claims to be Server Master or the like...and says you have been cheating and..blahblah...I agreed that I got some money from someone who cheats.....Anyway he didnt believe me but said if I give my ID num...He'll put me on watch list and let me play...what am I to it hard to get id num? Is there such thing as a!

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 3:15 pm

Don't give him your ID number. If you do that they'll be able to log into the server and use your characters.

Don't give your ID number to anyone ever. There is absolutely no way anyone else can use that number except to access your characters. Your ID number has no use to the server admin.

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 3:33 pm

But he said he would report to the global server if I didnt give him is he on about....and something about chatlogs being recorded..for cheat purposes....I am not sure if he's lying or not :S!


Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 3:40 pm

He's lying to you! Do not give him your ID number in any case. If he was the server Admin he could have kicked and banned you on the spot, but he didn't.
He would also not have needed your ID number because he would have already have had it. (The ID number is displayed with the player name in the servers player list, all he would have had to do was look up your name and he would have had it.) He cannot report you to the master admin without that number. Never give it away to anyone. Sever admins do not need to ask for it, they all ready have it.

If anyone ever claims to be a server admin, tell him to contact you via the server console. If he cannot do this little bit (and you'll know it if he does), he is no admin.

Edited by - Nog on 16-04-2003 16:43:45

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 5:05 pm

Listen to Nog.

It sounds like this "server admin" guy is just trying to hack your character account and cheat himself. Do not give him your number. No good can come of it.

Those are my thoughts, not yours, I'm WapCaplet[!

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 6:00 pm

"Sever admins do not need to ask for it, they all ready have it."

It's not the same number. Server admins do not have access to your actual ID#.

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 10:46 pm

doesn't the global server just keep a list of running FL servers? as far as i know there isn't a hint of security on them.

Post Thu Apr 17, 2003 4:47 am

He left..and didn't come back when I was in game....but I just wonder if he was server and I didnt give him my number..Is there any was of him to report me to global server....Or just bann me from that server?

Post Thu Apr 17, 2003 7:54 am

Sapient6: Maybe they could trawl through the registry and read the ID from there?

" In Defeat, Malice; In Victory, Revenge[! "

Post Thu Apr 17, 2003 10:11 am

Dont give him your ID. Rules differ from server to server. Some allow modding, some dont. Some servers care if you cheat, others dont. The global server supports them all and will not ban you from all servers based on this one servers rules (assuming this guy is actually the admin). This ID# he's asking for only has the use of logging onto your MP account and accessing all your characters that you've created on the servers you've entered. What this guy is trying to do is hack your account without having any sort of computer skills (although it's lame to hack someone either way). Server admin's can report you using the #'s they see next to your name in the server list. This number isn't the ID key your "admin" is asking for. So it couldn't possibly be for reporting purposes. And if you're still worried this guy is admin, ask him to contact you via "CONSOLE". It'll show up like any chat log but instead of haing his character name, it'll say "CONSOLE". Alternately you could just message console and ask this guy what you said. heh.. To message console press enter to bring up the chat window, and press up arrow untill you see "CONSOLE" in green as the person you are going to message too. Personally, I'd lvl up to a lvl38 char, and pk this guy till he quits and never comes back but that's just waht i'd do.. heh.


Post Thu Apr 17, 2003 3:57 pm

"but I just wonder if he was server and I didnt give him my number"

I don't think this can be stressed enough:
whether this guy is an admin or not you should not give him your ID#

Even if he is the server admin he has no use for your ID#, and no legitimate claim to it. You are not going to get banned from the master server for not giving some random guy running a server your ID# because:

1) Even if he's running a server he's still nobody and those in charge of the master server do not care about him or his server


So even if he proves he's the admin by sending you a console message you still shouldn't give out this number, because the only thing he can use it for is to hack your accounts on EVERY SERVER YOU PLAY ON, not just his own.

Post Thu Apr 17, 2003 4:05 pm

"Sapient6: Maybe they could trawl through the registry and read the ID from there?"

Somehow I doubt that player ID#'s are stored anywhere on the server, but it could be. Heck, you could probably hack your FLServer.exe to give you a way to decrypt player ID#'s. No validation system is hack proof. The point is just that there is some amount of security so that things like ID#'s aren't stored or presented anywhere in plain text on the server.

So when people want such things they will resort to either hacking the server for the information or social hacking (using claims of authority to intimidate naive players into just handing the information over). My particular favorite was in Diablo2 people would change the color of their chat text then join battlenet games. They would claim to be battlenet admins (and point out their chat colors were different as "proof" ) then tell players their accounts were suspected of cheating and to give over their passwords so the admins could "check" for cheats. Of course once the passwords were handed over these guys would log in to those characters, strip away all their money and equipment, then delete them. This is obviously someone using the same technique.

Edited by - Sapient6 on 17-04-2003 17:06:17


Post Thu Apr 17, 2003 4:38 pm

R3dj4ck_Ry4n: The master itself has no security. But it does have an administrator and Microsoft does ban players from their masters if one has become enough of a pain to generate enough complaints. It's very rare, But the MSN gaming zone rules generally apply to other games that Microsoft supports and Microsoft does act on complaints.

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