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Post Mon Apr 14, 2003 11:56 am


I've just bought the game, and never played multiplayer. But I'm planning to play online, are there any clans or other players I can join, so that I'm not alone in the start. If you want to reply I have a MSN Messenger passport, just ad me to your contactlist, [email protected]

I hope someone wil reply,

Greetz, Outlawz

Post Mon Apr 14, 2003 12:04 pm

I'm usually on Elite , I'm always willign to talk n lend a hand , though I'm far from Ny System right now!

Post Mon Apr 14, 2003 12:38 pm

101st Fightersquadron Wolfpack

they play primary on elite, and are atm in war with [NEO
so maybe right now not the best choise to join, still fine squad and good teamwork and community there.

Aswell there are on elite, RN, AFT, TLA, NEO and my own squad SE.
You could simply ask one of their members direkt on elite for more infos

Post Mon Apr 14, 2003 1:05 pm

I'm a member of [TLA and we are not at war with anyone , actually there are only a few clans at war with each other on the server

Post Mon Apr 14, 2003 3:20 pm

I'm also toying with the idea of creating a mercenary guild so we can get involved in the fighting part of a clan war without getting mixed up in the politics... but only 'toying' for the moment.

Teh Talman is mah HERO.

Edited by - Martaigne on 14-04-2003 21:04:03

Post Mon Apr 14, 2003 7:45 pm

The squad (clan, guild - whatever) I'm in, 707th Silver Dragons just reformed and launched our new site, but we're still deciding how to play at the moment and which server(s) to make our home. Anyone's welcome to get in touch about joining, though.

On a slight tangent, it'd be kewl to see a teamplay mod for Freelancer, maybe built by several clans working together. I can just imagine playing something like CTF in FL.

/707th/ Zaccix
Member of the 707th Silver Dragons.

Post Mon Apr 14, 2003 8:05 pm

Hm, the curiosity is piqued...

Teh Talman is mah HERO.

Post Mon Apr 14, 2003 9:12 pm


Evidently I'm your only visitor.

Teh Talman is mah HERO.

Post Mon Apr 14, 2003 11:51 pm

The TLA our site although not finished TLA Home

Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 12:00 am

we have a site? kewl

Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 12:59 am

heh down atm.

I am a 'proffessional' Web developer , and i've offered to help with the site , and even donate some free web space on my own servers.

For the friendlness , the decency of high ranking TLA members , they have inspired my loyalty and my feilty!

Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 1:32 am

If you are interested in joining the Roughnecks, here is a link to our forum: FORUM!! we also have a main site but it is down right now , we play one Elite and will eventually have our our own server. Our stance in the NEO/SE,WP war is neutral for now (we are still voting), im Squadron leader so if you are interested contact me at [email protected]

Peace through superior firepower.

Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 5:31 am

Actually I've been playing SP freelancer and i think im a relatively good pilot.... only thing is that if i go to a server online i have to start up again. So if anyone wold mind helping me out or ionviting me to a clan I'd be more than happy to oblige a respectably sized group of people. You can reach me at [email protected]

Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 12:52 pm

Hello, im the leader of AFT (Advanced Fighter trackers)..
We accept new members and even allies...
Read more at our site

We are both a mercenary clan and a regular one... that means that we accept money for protection or even to take side in a war...
but we wount take TREATHS!! as NEO-Mad Dog forced AFT to join their side for 3 million... thats not how we work!!

now because of that we break our agreement with NEO as it was FORCED!

Mad Dog: i dont care if you tell the admin about my mistake... i stand for what i did and i have talked to them too and they have forgiven me... i hope...

Have A Burger At Milliways..
.. And Start Watch The Universe Fall.. - Hichickers Guide To The Galaxy.. (I HAVE NOT READ IT, LOL)
My Homepage
AFT homepage

Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 4:04 pm

well, I'm GTF_Senior, assistant leader and former Clan leader of BoP(Birds of Prey), the Starlancer/Freelancer section of GTF(German Task Force).
We r an old Starlancer clan (just like WP and SE) and well known on the Zone.

We've put our hands on FL too, and we welcome evryone willing to join us !!!

We run main pages for Starlancer as well as for Freelancer, and, due to the fact, we're a german clan, we're looking for germans in the 1st place, but hey, as i said above, ervryone is welcome!

If u r interested to take a look, pls visit us at:


we dont need to run this place, but we're highly influencle...

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