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cant connect

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Post Sat Apr 12, 2003 12:44 pm

cant connect

im on a lan, which has no problems with other multiplayer games, but when it comes to multiplayer for freelancer, it wont get past connecting to the global server.

any ideas? it was working fine when i installed it yesterday, i went on a 24/7 server, then it disconnected me, and wont connect to the global server anymore

Post Sat Apr 12, 2003 12:55 pm

Sometimes happens to me, usually after a server crash or during heavy lag. Usually fixed by restarting Freelancer

Post Sat Apr 12, 2003 2:51 pm

well ive done that lots of times, it says 'connecting to global server' and just sits there like that for ages

Post Sun Apr 13, 2003 2:50 pm

I am having the exact same problem, and no matter how long I wait nothing happens...

And Its damn impossible to get support from MS, I cant find any form of a support page, help index, let alone an email addy to even get help. There site's are so unorganized. The game's single player mode is plenty good tho, and I guess that can hold me over, for now...

Edited by - Cr0no on 13-04-2003 15:57:32

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