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Global Server Down Help/Workaround

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Wed Apr 09, 2003 2:26 pm

Global Server Down Help/Workaround

Well I spent a while cleaning up my hard drive and registry and defraggin both and messing with other settings prolly best left alone and eventually decided it was time to do some Freelancing. DOH! can't connect to global server. WhaddIdo?
Luckily I saw some posts here where others were having similar trouble so I knew it wasn't my fault. But, dammit, I want to play, and not SP. So I looked at some readme's and got some ideas. Here's what worked for me:

You need to know the ip of the server you want to connect to. Now, I didn't have the ip of my preferred server, but did happen to have written a couple down, so I tried those.

What you do is make a new shortcut to freelancer.exe, and I suggest renaming it to help keep it straight. Now right click and open properties. now add to the target line a command: -s<ip.number>:<port> the port is usually 2302.

So, using alpha centauri's ip, since it's already been posted in this forum, my target line reads:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\EXE\Freelancer.exe" -s66.150.31.84:2302

This tells FL to look for this server, bypassing the global server. It should show up in your multiplayer list, even if the global server doesn't connect. You can string as many servers as you want, with new -s commands.

Hope that helps someone, and if anyone knows some other ips and has the OK to post them, please do so!

rabidrobot--AKA Terminal_Velocity, Jailbait....

Be Like The Squirrel.

Edited by - rabidrobot on 09-04-2003 15:38:45

Post Wed Apr 09, 2003 3:23 pm

hmm, i have a little prob.

i have start fldirectip.?? (no file-end), there i can write down the ip
from the server i need and then starting freelancer...
but i dont see the server in the server-list...i only read
"connecting to global-server"...

i make a shortcut, write ""C:\Freelancer\EXE\Freelancer.exe" -s66.150.31.84:2302" <---(ip-example)

but...dont work...why ???
the servername is not in the server-list

(sorry for this horror-english )


Post Wed Apr 09, 2003 8:11 pm

Check your format on the IP addy, I know normally the colon is supposed to be there, but for some reason Freelancer wants a space instead.

Post Thu Apr 10, 2003 3:19 pm

The colon has worked for me. Here is the quote from the readme.rtf on the game disc:

Manually Connecting to Freelancer Servers
Freelancer.exe supports a command line parameter for manually adding servers to the list of potential servers. This advanced feature requires that you know the hostname or IP address of the server computer as well as the network port on which FLServer is running. It is useful for playing on servers that are not on your LAN and are not advertised on the global server.

To add a server to the server list, use the following syntax:
FREELANCER.EXE -s<hostname>:<port>
where hostname is the name or IP address of the server computer and port is the network port number on which the server is running. You may add multiple servers by repeating the same syntax. See the ReadmeServer.htm file in the Extras directory on the Freelancer CD for information on manually setting the network port on the server.

Servers added in this way will not appear in the list of available servers until the respond to a ping request from your computer.


This will add the computer to the list of potential servers; it will be pinged on port 2302.


This will add the computers and to the list of potential servers. will be pinged on port 2302 and will be pinged on port 2304.

As you can see, they expect a colon, but heck, if that isn't working for you, trying a space prolly won't hurt.


Be Like The Squirrel.

Post Thu Apr 10, 2003 3:26 pm

Hey, get_lose,

Your English is as good or better than some of the kiddies around, so no apologies needed.
I have never used fldirectip, and don't know what it is, so can't help with that. I might make one suggestion, though. You must be able to ping the address, or FL won't see it. Try opening a cmd window and typing "ping <address>". If you can't ping them, it won't show up in FL. Also, they don't have to use port 2302; if they use a different port, so must you.
Good luck!


Be Like The Squirrel.

Post Thu Apr 10, 2003 4:31 pm

I want to add, that servers that you add direkt ip will show up in your lan list aswell, so no need to connect to the global server (or even try)

thats the way to override the global server list ... just try checking in lan games ^_^

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