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in the end, what class are you?

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Post Wed Apr 09, 2003 2:01 am

in the end, what class are you?

Being somewhat suicidal myself I enjoy the challenge of the light fighter class the most.

lf, hf, vhf, fr? what class do you prefer?

Post Wed Apr 09, 2003 3:07 am

the obvious answer is vhf

Post Wed Apr 09, 2003 3:46 am

All the coolest ships are HFs, in my opinion. If they had a VHF kusari, rogue, or even liberty ship, I'd change my vote.

Of course, it's difficulty to enjoy PvP in anything other than a VHF =P

Post Wed Apr 09, 2003 7:32 pm

"If they had a VHF kusari"

Man, I'd love to have a VHF version of the dragon.

Post Wed Apr 09, 2003 9:49 pm

actually Thrull, pvp'ing in a smaller ship isn't so bad if you keep it in the core systems where there are plenty of chances to run into similarly or slightly better equipped opponents.

on a side note however, just for fun i tried dueling a sabre when i was in my dagger. it was hilarious. lvl 4 weapons could barely scratch the adv. brigadine, and he couldn't hit me using the lvl 10 weapons. used up all my slingshots taking his shield past a little better than half way down when he tapped his shield batts. all i could do was scream "nooooooooooooo!".

we ended up calling a truce after what felt like a good 10 to 15 minutes (although it was probably really only like 5 minutes).

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