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Planet Destruction

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Post Mon Apr 07, 2003 9:47 am

Planet Destruction

I was just thinking, since freelancer isnt getting much points in the realism department, why not make 2 extra Base Destruction type missions, 1 that has you attacking and destroying a battleship (paying 200k + and being extremely difficult, but getting a huge item spray from a destroyed ship) and a Planetary Assault, the way i think this would work, is the planet has a HUGE HP meter, even with the best weapons it would require up to 15 minutes of constant hammering, and on the hardest of missions, it could only take damage at certain areas (think fault lines, volcanos, etc). They could stick a bunch of turrets down under its atmosphere, and the cool thing would be, since it has a lot of hp, you could swoop down below the atmosphere and bomb the turrets, im talking planetary defense guns, this could add a whole layer of depth (maybe going through the atmosphere can be like going through a sparse minefield, where you take periodical damage but not enough to kill you off like other atmospheres or sun coronas.

Once you are close enough, its sort of like planetside warfare, you dont take anymore damage and you can fly along side it, destroy turrets, then head back out to space. No loading, nothing, just flying real close, different planets could also have different turret setups, some simple planets could have a few small turrets, and the very biggest could have lots of heavy turrets all over, and 3-4 Weapons Platforms acting as moons with defence stations on them (enlarged a bit, obviously). And when a planet is destroyed, whatever commodities are prominent in that sector of space are dropped en large (im talking packs of 30 such as on freight trains) along with lots of different guns, or most importantly turrets. They could even have a special, super heavy damage class called Planetary Defence Guns that are extremely powerful, used in Planetary Defence but modified to fit a ship. I think this would make the game a ton more fun, and just to add to the chaos, the planet could take a long time to explode.

The actual death of a planet could last up to 3 minutes, it would either starts burning up, spinning crazily, cracking all over the place until it shatters into a ton of pieces, and you know when you destroy a transport? how it leave large pieces of it on fire and floating through space, it would be the same, but it would be huge chunks of planet instead. These would be aimed more towards high levels, their hp could be legendary, very very big, so its a challenge, and their guns could be extremely good aswell (im talking nomad cannon powered for large ones) and their could be small, medium, and large planets. This i think would be a great deal of fun, getting together with a bunch of friends and launching a planetary assault. I just figured it would be a awesome addition as a mission type, its not realistic i know, and i dont care, not many things in freelancer are very space-simmy anyway. They could also put a limit of 3 planets per sector so seperate people can still get planetary assault missions, but to prevent overcrowding there would be a limit of three per sector, when you take a planet assault mission but theres already 3 in there.

It moves the planet to a neighboring sector, such as some missions require 1 or more jumps to get to the intended target. These could simply be explained by superiorly advanced terraforming methods which can turn a artificial core into a planet in a short amount of time.

"I Would Rather Die Standing Than Live On My Knees"

Post Mon Apr 07, 2003 10:55 am

Well that would never happen. But I must say you got quite the imagination and put some real detail and thought into that. Mabey you should become a game designer.

Post Mon Apr 07, 2003 11:28 am

Maybe i should, hehe, besides, the reason most of my posts are so long because i try to think everything out and try to balance everything out before suggesting anything. But nonetheless, i doubt ill be much more into games then just a casual type gamer, i hardly even play freelancer anymore, curse me. Just too busy

"I Would Rather Die Standing Than Live On My Knees"

Post Mon Apr 07, 2003 4:31 pm

/me starts dreaming.

Post Mon Apr 07, 2003 6:24 pm

It'd hardly make sense for planets to appear out of thin air... they can't exactly be built like space stations can. Maybe they could hire you to destroy an asteroid headed for a small base (or hell, a planet), like Apocalypse or so many other asteroid movies.

Difficulty: 100
Reward: 1,000,000
A large planetoid has been spotted flying towards one of our outposts in sector something-or-other. We've placed an intercept point on your nav map: get there and stop this thing before it hits and destroys our base!

Heh, that would be a fun mission. Make it a nomad asteroid and throw in some escorts, then it would challenging as well.

Post Mon Apr 07, 2003 9:18 pm

I actually like Thrull's idea!

Wow[! Another cool post by teh Ferror[!

Post Tue Apr 08, 2003 7:56 am

hmmm, i have a idea, how about a 2 pronged missions thrull, so a asteroid is hurling towards a station or planet, your paid and hired to stop it, once you stop it, you have a new target, which is a station, the station would sort of look like a jumpgate but longer, and it would be used as sort of like a giant railgun where ships can tow asteroids into and using a special propulsion system the asteroid is shot out and a extremely fast rate at any target within a sector, sort of like a huge artillery cannon that shoots rocks

Post Tue Apr 08, 2003 10:22 am

Destroy a planet in 15 minutes?

Wow, and here we humans havent even broken through our (relatively weak) crust in our whole existance. Also swooping in near to the planet would have some problems too... gravity? How about your engines not working the same in air.

Well, we are talking about freelancer, where thrusting forward slows your ship down.

Newtonian physics be damnned!

Post Tue Apr 08, 2003 7:31 pm

Some sort of asteroid launching base would be cool, but that would require a lot more work to add in. I was thinking with the asteroid mission, they wouldn't have to create any new explosion effects or new structures or anything, just use an asteroid model they already have and some ships they already have. The scripting would be a little complicated, though, projecting the asteroid's path... making sure it can damage you if it hits, but also making sure it will end up hitting that outpost. They could just have the outpost appear in its path after a certain amount of time...

Really, there are tons of cool mission possibilities. I don't know what new things the mission generator is capable of doing, though, or how committed, if they are at all, DA is to enhancing it. Something much easier would be adding in battleships, or a small scale war, since it seems to be able to generator opposing forces. But I think having a rare and very difficulty mission once in a while would be fun, like missions mentioned here. I also liked the idea of a PVP assassination mission, which someone mentioned on another thread.

Post Wed Apr 09, 2003 5:22 am

That asteroid mission idea is a good one, it would give another use for the torps, you could also make it longer with the fact the once you blown it up, you would have to go after the bits of the asteroid (if they are still heading towards the sation/planet)

Post Wed Apr 09, 2003 7:30 am

Ya being able to post bounties for Player would be cool. Credits earned would be based on their lvl.

Post Sun Apr 13, 2003 11:03 pm

I say the player who posts the bounty puts up the credits...

"It is said that revenge is a dish best served cold, it is very cold in space."
~Khan, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

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