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Bad multiplayer setup screnn

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Post Mon Apr 07, 2003 5:22 am

Bad multiplayer setup screnn

Can anyone out there explain to me why the h... the multiplayer setup screen takes FOR EVER to load ? I mean, It keeps on jumpin or skippin' and my mouse pointer jumps all over the place...very very scraps the multiplayer experience...


Post Mon Apr 07, 2003 10:59 am

Never had a problem with it. Loads instantly for me and all the filters are very nice. Ive seen some bad multiplayer screens and Freelancers is up there. Id give it 9/10.

Post Mon Apr 07, 2003 6:15 pm

i have the same problem on my computer. it lag like hell, but on my other computer (i got 3 comp. on a network) it run perfectly with no lag. Anyone have any clue?

Post Tue Apr 08, 2003 8:26 am

theres that bug with the ATI cards, if your PC has one of them u should read the readme and turn down the graphics like it says


Post Wed Apr 09, 2003 7:03 am

i have ATI card and have no probs with Freelancer, at max everything....even though i the highest res i can choose from is 1100x1000 something like that, and with my older nVidia GeForce 2 i had the option of 1200x1100...

Post Wed Apr 09, 2003 6:28 pm

The problem I have is not when I play in multiplayer mode, it's gettin' there. You see, when I choose to play in MP, the screen where you see all the avalaible servers to play on takes for EVER to load (and even the background animation is so choppy...) And forget about moving your mouse around, the pointer movement is choppy and erratic...It take somewhere from 10 to 15 mins to load. Once it's loaded and a game is selected, the rest goes just fine and I experience the normal lag (if any) that one will encounter playing online.

Post Wed Apr 09, 2003 6:47 pm

check in your bios settings if you allow your gfx card to use systemmemory as grafik memory, fl seems to use this option even when there is no need to in the menu, which slows your system down alot there.

(happens even on a 128 meg gf4 ... deactive the option or set it down to something like 5megs and it should be run fine)

Post Wed Apr 09, 2003 7:23 pm

This has been discussed before, and the problem seemed to correct itself when you reinstalled Directx9.0 from the CD. As in right click on the CD Icon in My Computer and select Install Directx9.0, then update to Directx9.0a from the M$ website. Hope this helps.

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