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how to man battleships :-)

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Post Tue Apr 01, 2003 6:13 am

how to man battleships :-)

I don't want to sound like noob but, can someone tell me how to man battleships in the multi game plz. I'm from aus and nobody has accomplished it yet.

thnx waff

Post Tue Apr 01, 2003 6:34 am

Simple answer, but you're not going to like it. You cannot man battleships. You are simply relegated to piloting single manned spacecraft (i.e. fighter or small freighters). Cheers.

Post Tue Apr 01, 2003 1:24 pm

I want to still push people into making a future patch with freight trains and battleships.

Are you mocking me[!

Post Wed Apr 02, 2003 12:56 am

Awww maaaaaan, you guys haven't heard about the new add-on to give us access to alot of stuff including capitol ships and planets; I am Still conquering the single player and doing my best to kick some monkey ass but i am having some issues with self-esteem about getting those half million dollar fighters......alas....sigh. In any case LOVING the idea of those additions we can all start our respective empires.....or join them as we see fit. muhuhHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA......(the evil laugh is the best part of killing your enemy in those last seconds of their hull life).

Have a Good one

Post Wed Apr 02, 2003 7:12 pm

acutly u can. Its a MoD i tried it out at my dads. U would have to find a server which lets u on net but u can do it stright away on sp.

Post Wed Apr 02, 2003 7:27 pm

Goku, I hope you don't mean the announcement that ElectricBrain put on LR's main page on APRIL 1st? You know, the one about FL: Reckoning? 'Cause that's the only add-on that I've heard about and that was an April Fool's day news item (much like Gamespot's April Fools News).

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