Post Sat Mar 29, 2003 12:14 pm

MP Initial Value Editing Tips

I've heard a few people ask how to change the starting $, ship, and starting base for MP games. I know this has been posted but just to give you a shuv:
Open mpnewcharacter.fl in a notepad
Money: Edit Change %%MONEY%% to the value of $ you want
next two must both be changed to work
system: change %%HOME_SYSTEM%% to any system(names in UNIVERSE/SYSTEMS folder)
base: change %%HOME_BASE%% to base (names in UNIVERSE/SYSTEMS in the selected systems /BASE folder.)
ship: change %%package%% to ?? i don't remember where to find the exact syntax but it shouldn't be to hard to find, otherwise just start your friends out with enough money to buy whatever ship they want.

you can also edit your rep, i suggest changing the positive 0.65 to 0, and the -0.65 to
-0.50 and -0.3 to -0.2. Because seriously it seems strange that your starting MP rep is based on something you did to get the liberty everything and trade ships on your side, and I don't remember ever helping them.

Edited by - FuBi2k on 29-03-2003 12:20:33

Edited by - fubi2k on 29-03-2003 12:23:15