I just went to
It looks like the right website to me.. (not a 20 search engine etc)
Sample from it:
Welcome to THE ZAMPOLIT!
03/26/2003 - Non-reg/approved accounts deleted.
03/25/2003 - on 03/26/2003 I will be deleting all non-reg accounts/characters to assist in easier maintainance.
03/25/2003 - Ravener was killed! While trying to take on the shiz(me) in a Titan(no nomads or missles)...we killed each other with a collision, after a VERY long battle....ending in a duel. Ravener has been awarded the Mr Ducky award for the month.
03/24/2003 - Quiet day, LOTS of approvals for new members...seek them and watch the census!
03/23/2003 - Ravener wins SA event!
Welcome to the Darkness