Post Sun Mar 23, 2003 10:38 pm

New to MP, Looking for MP Server

I'm totally green to the MP side of this game. I've only had Freelancer a few days, but I've finished the SP missions (like many others have) and I'm looking for more of a challenge than to just continue exploring, trading, and upgrading my ship and equipment. There just doesn't seem to be much point to continuing the SP game after the story (a rather disappointing story when considering how little time it took me to complete) since from then on it's rinse and repeat. Sure, you can change faction lines, but then you're basically doing the same thing for different sides. That's really getting boring.

I'd prefer a more "mature" atmosphere, as opposed to a server full of self-elitists that PK noobs and lowbies all day. Sure, I expect to be PK'd, but I'm hoping to avoid persistant/constant PK'ing. I'd love to find a more "cooperative" server where the players choose sides and battle it out when the 2 (or more) sides come across one another, if such servers even exist.

Anyway, I've got cable, and I'm in the Philly area, so eastern US and Canada servers with ample connections of their own should allow me decent ping times. In summary, I guess I'm just looking for a decent group of people with whom to play, challenge me, and just have some fun with the MP side game.