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The 24/7 Everyone Welcome server

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Post Sun Mar 23, 2003 1:49 am

The 24/7 Everyone Welcome server


Been lurking the forums for a while, collecting info and strategies on these boards and am now fairly familiar with the whole process of "getting to lvl 38" and can do it in a matter of hours - Legit of course.

I've been playing on the "24/7 everyone welcome" server for the past few days (pvp enabled, if that matters) and commenced with the whole freighting business. I was lvl 27, 2 days ago when the server suddenly went down. When it came back up my character was gone, but noticed several other ppl were back to lvl 1 too, so talking with a few of the them, we attributed it to a server failiure.

No biggie, I thought. So I went and did my freighting thing again, and was lvl 34 and going about my freighting still when I lost connection to the server. Upon trying to connect again it said that my account had been banned on that server.

I thought, wtf? It's not like I'm cheating or hacking my way to glory, nor do I have evil intentions, I'm actually a friendly player and don't believe in pk'ing unless provoked or deserved.

Anyhow, I'm half hoping that someone (or an admin, preferably) from that server reads these boards and can tell me why they saw fit to ban me, if there was a reason at all. I've not been too fond of having my characters on someone else's computer, just for the fact of how easy it is to delete them.


Post Sun Mar 23, 2003 3:40 am

the best part of that server is the hostname and description

"Everyone Welcome"

"No dial-ups"

Post Sun Mar 23, 2003 3:54 am


Post Sun Mar 23, 2003 5:44 am

Ugh... Everyone doesn't include me since I'm on a dial-up? I'm in a crappy little town where people think the net is demonic possession or something. *lol* I'm waiting availability of wireless net. 56k is all I have access to right now and it's been that way always here. I've spent $50 on games to be banned from playing online because I have 56k. Such nice people, they are... I'd like to see how they'd feel if they had no choice but 56k and weren't allowed in MP...

Thank you,

Post Mon Mar 24, 2003 4:50 am

What even worse now is new accounts are not allowed to log in.

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