Post Sat Mar 22, 2003 12:11 pm

Freelancer Universe Server

I have just started my own server called Freelancer Universe. This server will not becoming down except once a week and only for about 10 hours or less to run defrag and let my system have a break.
It is a pk server only cause it makes game more fun. All though New York will be a safe zone to give newbies a chance to build them selves up. I will admit for time being I have no way of enforcing this but im sure in time there will be a way but i wont be like hard corse strick about it I just want new players to have a chance.
Also I will post a 2 days before server comes down that I will be bringing the server down and about how long it will be down for. Pretty much any and all info will be related through this message board under subject Freelancer server.
Look the whole point of playing this online is to play with other players. That means co-op as well as engaging each other in combat. Yet im sick of playing on servers and start making progress just to watch server be taken down and never come back up. So if your sick of this as much as I am then my server is the place to be. It can hold up to 25 people right now and Im gone incress this if more people come on and I see it can handle 25 players with out a lot of lag.
Also if you have any questions or comments regarding the server I can be emailed at [email protected]
Thank you for your time and I hope you will check out my server.

aka Kiltak