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What to do if you have PK trouble...

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Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 10:25 pm

What to do if you have PK trouble...

Some moron killed you for no reason? Put a bounty on his head!

Offer $50,000 for someone to be killed and most players will jump at the chance. Fighters often have nothing to lose but their location in space. Players who are stinking rich might just take the job for fun. Once your enemy has been killed, he'll usually lose interest. He won't realize that he cost you $50,000. Most Pk'ers aren't very smart.

DISCLAIMER - I have nothing against roleplayed PK'ing or pirating. Just remember: don't ask for all the cargo, or your victim has nothing to lose. I really think there should be more of a penalty for death. (Granted, getting dumped back to Aniu Depot in a freighter with no guns and no escort is a pretty obnoxious penalty.)

Thinking about this is making me want to try pirating... *grin*

PS - guns help, bounties may or may not help, whining doesn't help

Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 10:36 pm

Offer $50,000 for someone to be killed and most players will jump at the chance.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....heh heh, OMFG that is funny.

To the people that are capable of taking PKers out, $50,000 is absurdly small. It's a cool idea, but it'll never work. I am only level 30 and I can make over 100k/mission in my sleep.

The only effective way of dealing with PKers is to make the experience as boring as possible. Dont say anything to them, dont acknowlede them, just run as far as you can away from your spawn point. Then vanish into the wilderness when you respawn.

Attention is what they want. Denying them what they want is the best way to piss them off.


Post Sat Mar 22, 2003 12:12 am

how about 500,000?

Post Sat Mar 22, 2003 12:19 am

I dont know if any amount would work. Personally, I am only level 30, and I no longer am motivated by money. I can make cash easy whenever I want pretty much. I can only assume level 38 players are even LESS motivated for money.

DA needs to tweak this game for that is currently WAY to easy. You should not be able to get a loaded Eagle in 4 hours of play time...

Post Sat Mar 22, 2003 12:41 am

Pay me 1 credit, and I kill him once, pay me 10 and I kill him twice, give me 100 and I kill him 3 times

heck I anyway gonna hunt him down (as I gonna hunt YOU down)
So why I should not accept some payment for it *g*

btw, all prices are with out amunation costs, which means, it get badly up in costs once the shooting starts ... 7k per torp is something that makes the 1 credit for my services absurd low ... and I ain´t one of those that are carfull with their torps, just fire enough one will hit

Edited by - Apocalypse on 22-03-2003 00:42:45

Post Sat Mar 22, 2003 3:01 am

perhaps there could be bounties automatically initiated for ppl who kill good aligned players (eg factional shifts when u kill players), and these bounties are not revoked until the player either *pays* it off, or somehow works off the pk flag. this would allow us to see pirates (who probably wouldn't care if they had a pk flag), and bounty hunters, who are allowed to hunt these said pirates without the pk flag penalty. Of course, this would still have to be tweaked (eg, if a navy aligned noob tries to harass a higher rank player), such that people don't exploit this system.

Post Sat Mar 22, 2003 5:19 am

pff. pay me $50 via paypal. It can take a while to track down someone. $50k of in-game money is too small; it should be like $2 Mil. Fighters can easily make $1M from doing four level 42 missions (about $200k per mission, plus you get a lot of lvl 8 and 9 guns from the ships you blow up that are about $20k each)

Post Sat Mar 22, 2003 9:23 am

i dont know about simply being boring... some d~ck on elite ganked me in New Tokyo- no warning, no nothing, not so much as a "drop your cargo" I was just heading for the docking ring then "incoming missle" then, nomad blasters tore me apart in 2 secs- btw, I was level 10...

Post Sat Mar 22, 2003 9:52 am

Did he bother you after tho?? If not he was legit. Your out pretty far for a lvl 10. Its the ones that camp outside bases that are the problem.

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