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how can u beat a battleship?

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Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 4:20 am

how can u beat a battleship?

used sunslayer torpeto hit ship 30 times, nothing happen

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 5:04 am

Battleships are invincible.

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 11:24 am

so why is there a battleships killed stat, there must be some other form of battleship that is destroyable

"I Would Rather Die Standing Than Live On My Knees"

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 11:30 am

Battleships are bases, not allowed to kill bases. That way you go around with a full load of sunslayers and kill all the bases in the game except for planets....pretty silly.

"Ok i blew up that docking ring, i wana see you land now!"

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 4:49 pm

During the SP game there are scripted events when you are faced against battleships...these you do have a chance to kill, hence the BS killed score.


Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 5:56 pm

Gunboats are also considered Battleships...

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 6:06 pm

1) Gunboats are not battleships, sorry to tell you
2) In the single player story and in extremely high paying jobs (i.e. $150,000 a mission), you can kill battleships, like for instance a busted-up scuttled battleship once owned by, say, Rhineland, was found and repaired by Red Hessians, and is stationed about 20 K away from Stuttgard. You get sent to blow the crapola out of it.

My strategy in either of these cases:

-Buy an advanced thruster, the low thrusted train comes in extremely handy for afterburning--read the next note
-Afterburn around until it runs out, never take off afterburners. Ever. Make strafing runs and fire missile and torpedo salvos any time you can. Eventually it dies.
-When your afterburner runs out, put on cruise engines (Shift+W), weaving endlessly while they charge. Once you get up to speed, get out of range of the battleshp, and wait until your shield and afterburner have recharged, and you have calmed your ass down. Then, start over from the last step.

Basic Summary: Afterburn+Shoot-->Weave and Charge Cruise Engines-->Cruise around until recharged entirely-->Repeat.

Simple (haha) as that.


Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 12:32 am

Oops, guess the kidding part of the post didn't come across there was supposed to be a " " in there....heh heh

Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 6:14 pm

In what system can you find these anti-battleship 150k+ missions in MP?

Post Fri Mar 21, 2003 8:38 pm

THAT I would like to know, too. I'm tired of killing endless waves of bounty hunters.

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