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secret weapons in MP

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Post Wed Mar 19, 2003 8:48 am

secret weapons in MP

I can't get any secret weapons on some of the 24/7 servers until they crash. So I was wondering if they respawn after time or not?

Post Wed Mar 19, 2003 9:14 am

what secret weapons are you talking about and where....

Post Wed Mar 19, 2003 10:10 am

No the lvl 10 Weapons do not respawn on the wracks.

The only way to get them is to be the first one at those ships after a server restart.

Post Wed Mar 19, 2003 12:27 pm

they do respawn, i just dont know how long it takes for them...

cause i dont think that the elite server crashed that often. reconnects ok, but no crashes that often.

Post Wed Mar 19, 2003 3:02 pm

do they respawn? My friend's server has been restarted a few times, but still no respawned level 10s!!! =( ...

damn .. i guess i shouldnt have sold off the guns for quick cash! heheheh

Post Wed Mar 19, 2003 3:17 pm

Theres only a few worth keeping, most are just too power full to be usefull in fight. Only one I found that i kept was the LVL 10 Prometheus

Playing as [0[Pinger on:
UK Hub
[DBX[ Major Woodys

Post Wed Mar 19, 2003 6:38 pm

they do respawn...

but if you've already picked them up, they won't drop for you.

Post Wed Mar 19, 2003 7:02 pm

you can always check to see if the wrecks have the items again aslong as you have them spotted on the map.

from the map, right click them then click on the finger button to target the wreck, the click on the schematics button in your target window to see if it has the weapons mounted or not. if it doesn't, then just wait for another day.

Post Wed Mar 19, 2003 10:59 pm

all wrecks respawn in 1 week after last looting. trust me on this, its tried and tested, i looted Rebel in the omicrons and got 2 Blue Blazes, then i came back about 8 days later and looted it again, they respawn once a week, just be persistent and hope people dont get them before you (btw, this is true for every single wreck in the game, i have tried it on almost every single on in all the sigmas and omicrons and it stands true for all of them)

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