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More options for server and mplayers

Want help in running a persistent server? Want to setup a gaming session? Look no further!

Post Tue Mar 18, 2003 7:20 pm

More options for server and mplayers

What I would like to do with my server? A lot.
Within these last 2 weeks I have had about 200 visitors at my server and ~50 of them are regulars. There are already some playerfactions, that's nice
So I would like to put more life in this universe and give more options to players (and myself).

First: I would like to have new server program that gives me more info about the players online.
Next: I would like to have protocol that allows me to look everyones info, stats, etc. Basically so that I can see the same info that player sees when he opens the Player Status window in the game.

About mods.
It would be nice to add battleships (for players to buy), sell info, banks, some new hidden systems, adminbase, and maybe even a new faction (adminfaction), etc.

1. It would be also cool if players could buy a Battleship, but not if after a while everyone is flying with those. So I would also like to control who is allowed to buy a Battleship, adminrights you know

2. I would also like to be able to sell info. You pay some amount of credits to pther player and he can update your sysmap.

3. If there coulb be banks I (or other player) could give a loan to a new player so that he can pay back when he has enough money for it (with some interest), even when the player who gave the money is not at the server. Nowdays anyone can give money to anyone, but there is no way to force anyone to pay you back (I dont threat anyone with bans).

4. New hidden systems, for obvious reasons.

5. Adminbase, ofcourse.

6. Admin faction. For example If some player refuse to pay back a loan I could put status red for him and adminfaction ships would always try to loot his garco when he is at admincontrolled systems.
I could also offer reposervice

And finally, I would like to give adminrights to some other players who I wish to give them.

More life to this universe, right? Some or most of my ideas probably require that MS makes some update for this game (dunno). I'm not programmer so I dont have a clue, happy that I know programmers who might be able to help me with these ideas. Untill then I'm happy to run my server as it is today.
Ideas? Anyone?

Server admin

Post Tue Mar 18, 2003 7:29 pm


I do like the sound of this idea. Battleship plugin is out there already, so you need to implement that. All that other stuff is harder and need some tweaking of the .ini files.
I could help you make these new systems when I just learn it myself, and add the stuff in there, but I cannot help you with the factions and such.

The Raven Crown aka TRC
"If you are looking for the difference between good and evil, seek Light, and Darkness. I can provide you with Darkness, and deny Light, but if you need light, you are my sworn enemy."

Post Tue Mar 18, 2003 7:51 pm

Admin something that the current setup is SEVERLY lacking....I too would like to have that ability....If someone out there has any pull with the programmers......Threaten to send a large fleet of Nomad Battleships after them....unless they give us some admin

Seriously tho....Someone needs to either figure out how to hack the server program, and add them, or sweet talk someone to create an update for that.



Post Wed Mar 19, 2003 6:42 pm

where do i get this battleship plugin?

Post Wed Mar 19, 2003 6:43 pm

oh i found the thread! GGG


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