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No Faction Hacks or Small Talk

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Post Tue Mar 18, 2003 4:58 pm

No Faction Hacks or Small Talk

Anyone run into this? I can't get anyone to talk to me in the bars...any of the bars...and I've been to most. I only see one blank chat icon over one of the characters in any bar. Did I take one too many Bounty Hunter sponsored missions? I'm Rank 37 with a Sabre and disliked by Corsairs, Molly's and a few others, but mostly neutral or good.

Post Wed Mar 19, 2003 1:43 pm

in the same boat with bounty hunters, you have to find somone to hack your Rep, I found one when I didnt have the credits for it. It was either in Bering or new Berlin systems and now i cant find him

Edited by - Pinger on 19-03-2003 13:43:38

Post Wed Mar 19, 2003 6:21 pm

That's just it, I can't get prompted at any base for any conversation. There's only one person who even has a chat icon above his head and it's empty. There's only a couple of bases that I haven't been to yet. Hopefully, the last two or three will trigger something.


Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 12:26 am

Try killing a few ships from the factions that the BHG are against...well more than a few really... Also it could just be that there's no work available at that time...I've run into that a few times myself...

Post Thu Mar 20, 2003 3:54 am

Not sure the reason behind it, but when I came back into the server today, the game was back to normal in the bars. It's got to have been some kind of glitch, because I'd left the game and came back into the server several times before leaving for the day. I tried killing to change alignment with some factions, but that didn't appear to work either. I sat outside of one of their bases and killed Xenos for about an hour straight, but there was no change in the bar, but my alignment went from Green to Red with them.

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