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Ranks and Leveling...clarification.

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Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 9:05 pm

Ranks and Leveling...clarification.

I would just like to get some clarification on how ranks work. So I join this MP server. I have my starter ship. I pick up consumer goods at Bush and start exploring the different locations. I checked out around 38 dockable bases that buy/sell commodities in and around Cortez, Magellan, Liberty and Bretonia. I am level/rank 1. I make a few small runs and make enough to get a rhino. I make a nice run to LD-14 and make some boo-koo bucks. I make a run from LD-14 and make more cash. I jumped from rank 1 to rank 14, then 14 to 17. How exactly do the ranks work. I purchased a baracuda I think it was, spent some cash on equipping it and then dropped to rank 16 or 15. Just curious how it determines your rank and how/why rank changes so quickly. I take it this is the part where everyone was talking about how easy the MP portion of the game is?

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 9:12 pm

Your Rank/Level is based on your Worth. Now say you buy a Weapon, that worth is the same right at that second if you sold it back to the vendor that you just bought it from. But, say you click on the Bar or Commodities Icon, and then go back to the Parts guy, now look at the value, it just dropped by a lot, and so did your worth, lowering your Rank/Level. So it's all based on your actual worth at that time, including everything in your inventory. I think you max out at level 38 when you are worth around 2.5 million.

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