Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 8:53 am

Multiplayer in LAN??

I was supposed to play this great game (Freelancer of course) with my friend at his place for the weekend, but when we couldnt play...

Heres the problem:
The creation of the server was succesful, and other one of us was able to connect to the server. But when the other one of us connected, the server went down... When creating a server and joining from the other computer, and then from the one which runs the server the game holds up for about 5 mins. But when joining first from the server and then from the other pc the server crashes instantly... When i looked to the console the server was trying to connect to list server all the time, and i thought that it might be the problem...

Specs: LAN with only 2 pcs (no hub). No internet connection, only network. Computer specs:
1. 1,4GHz TB, 512Mb DDR-SDRAM, Radeon 8500
2. 1,2GHz Duron, 512Mb SDRAM, Radeon 8500

Please help me sort this out, I really want to play this cool game in LAN!

Thank you in advance!