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Yarr... where to be a pirate?

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Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 11:36 pm

Yarr... where to be a pirate?

I've decided to be a pirate/outcast/whatever in multiplayer, raiding trade lanes, and attacking bases. This is all good and fun, however, I still do need to take my swigs of beer at the local planet pub. I just bought a sabre and a level 10 shield, so that took me down a good $800k and i'm left with about $64k right now. I've tried doing the trade lane stuff, but I just don't get enough money from pillaging the freighters. Is there a really good spot or something that I can sort of hang around and get some stolen cargo to sell at a base (and don't worry about if I'm hostile to a base or not, I'm pretty much neutral to most factions since I haven't been doing it long.) Thanks guys.

Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 11:44 pm

Explore a bit, find out where the most expensive cargos are shipped from. That's where you should be concentrating on.

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 6:02 am

Pretty much. Dublin, for example, is for the most part the gold supplier of Sirius sector. One of those freighters are bound to be filled with gold loot. Same for diamonds in Berlin. If desperate, pirates can always smuggle (perhaps cardamine to buffalo base)

Post Sun Mar 16, 2003 6:49 pm

I would suggest doing some Trade Lane work nearby Berlin; diamnds go thru there alot and you can manually take em to New Tokyo for some good profit. Also, before you attack a freighter/train/transport, you should probably scan it and see whether its cargo is to your taste. No point in loading up 70 units of Scrap Metal when the enxt trade ship could be loaded with Lane Parts or Diamonds.

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