Post Sat Mar 15, 2003 8:55 am

Awesome Trade Route

I just found the most awesome trade route ever, may take a while but pays off a lot. What you do is fly to Omicron Theta, get you're rep up with the corsairs, the fly to Omicron Gamma and buy as many artifacts as you can, I think you buy them for under 500 credits, then you transport to Manhatten and sell for around 2500 i think, all I know is that this is the biggest profit I have found. I warn you though, the only problem is that this is illegal, so the police will ask you to hand it over. If you have a good ship and lots of shield batteries you should be able to power you're way through. I advise going through either bretonia to liberty, or to go through kusari to liberty because as I have learned, trying to go through rheinland is a deathtrap. Oh yeah, Omega 11 is the worst place to travel through if you decide to take the Bretonia path because if you are enemies with the Red Hessians, you pretty much die from either radiation poisoning or from the constant attacks. Well, hope this has helped people. Remember, bandits make a lot, lol.