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Post Sun Oct 07, 2007 2:23 am


Hi, I have a question about fuses.

I want to make a playerloot drop cargo fuse. I know how to make a basic drop cargo fuse, but I don't know how to give it features I want.

I want this fuse to drop cargo(also player's) exactly at the moment ship explodes. I want to give the explosion 0.1 sec. duration and hit points so that some cargo could be destroyed. I know how to adjust explosions, but not fuses.

I also want no noticeable changes in the game(I mean some weird things with hit points, 'cos when I experimented with li_fighters in New-York I've noticed that some shots from 6000 damage weapon didn't make any damage to them, and some did, weird thing...).

And what is the fuse that initiates explosion of the ship?

So, please, need some help from you guys here...

Post Sun Oct 07, 2007 2:46 am

There's a player looting mod out already in the downloads section somewhere that does just what you're asking, think Rimshot made it ages ago

Member of the HAVEN ADMINS community

Gizmo Studios - Home to the Galactica mod series

Post Sun Oct 07, 2007 8:37 am

I know about this mod, I've tried it, but cargo is dropped about 1 sec. before ship explodes, Looks very unrealistic. It doesn't suit me.

That's why I am asking.

Post Sun Oct 07, 2007 11:04 am

Try changing the death_comm fuse. It has a 1 sec duration so this is probably why you are seeing the pilot throw his cargo out...

In his place I think I'd be doing the same, if I had 1 sec to dump the cargo and jump out you'd be seeing all kinds of crates getting chucked out of MY ship to let me get out! lol

Roleplay: - the art of self-deceipt!

Post Sun Oct 07, 2007 12:32 pm

Ok, I achieved some success, but I still have questions(a few).

One is here:
I want attached to wing guns to come as a loot after the wing is destroyed.
But....yes, can't do it.

My fuse:

name = co_wing_starboard_lod1
lifetime = 1.0

at_t = 0.000000
hardpoint = HpWeapon04
fate = loot

at_t = 0.000000
hardpoint = HpWeapon06
fate = loot

My collisiongroup:

obj = wing_starboard_lod1
separable = true
parent_impulse = 240.000000
child_impulse = 7.000000
debris_type = debris_small_ship
dmg_hp = DpWing_starboard
dmg_obj = corsair_wing_star_cap
separation_explosion = explosion_small_ship_breakoff
mass = 5.000000
type = Starboard_Wing
hit_pts = 2300
fuse = co_wing_starboard_lod1, 0.000000, 1.000000
root_health_proxy = true

Actually I don't know why it's not working...

Help is appreciated.

Edited by - Vital on 10/14/2007 2:21:45 PM

Post Sun Oct 14, 2007 3:52 pm

I seem to remember this is a problem in FL, anything attached to break-off components on wrecks also does not drop off as loot, so we had to move those items to the body or make them cargo, otherwise it would not work. You can see them before you hit the wreck in the sub-target scanner.

But I am not certain if it also applies to NPC ships too?

Roleplay: - the art of self-deceipt!

Post Mon Oct 15, 2007 2:07 pm

Well, I've found kinda way to kinda work it out. But it doesn't suit me, so I'll have to attach everything to root and unbreakable parts.
Maybe it will be useful to someone else:

obj = wing_starboard_lod1
separable = true
parent_impulse = 240.000000
child_impulse = 7.000000
debris_type = debris_small_ship
dmg_hp = DpWing_starboard
dmg_obj = corsair_wing_star_cap
separation_explosion = explosion_small_ship_breakoff
mass = 5.000000
type = Starboard_Wing
hit_pts = 12300
fuse = co_wing_starboard_lod1, 0.000000, 10001.000000
root_health_proxy = true

name = co_wing_starboard_lod1
lifetime = 1.0
death_fuse = true

at_t = 0.000000
hardpoint = HpWeapon04
fate = loot

at_t = 0.000000
hardpoint = HpWeapon06
fate = loot

fate = debris
at_t = 0.10000
group_name = co_wing_starboard_lod1

Maybe there are some other ways???

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