If you mean the class name as in the "_special_X," nothing happens. You could change hp_gun_special_1 to horribly_weak_weapon (although the string length is too long) and the game will still produce a 1 after the weapon name as long as the weapon has the new hardpoint name.
A thought I had about how the game code specifies which hardpoints have numbers assigned to them is a list type sequence, for example part of the list might be 10, 10, 1, 1 which means the first 2 sets of 10 hardpoints have numbers from 10 to 1 assigned to them and the next 2 hardpoints don't have any numbers assigned (why would you assign a number to something that doesn't have any variations?), or, possibly, each hardpoint could have a corresponding configuration like X, Y where X is 0 or 1 depending on whether it has a number assigned to it and Y is what number is assigned to it. These are just a few thoughts from a newbie to dll programming so they probably aren't syntactically correct, but I figured why not think out loud, someone might find it worthwhile.
Edited by - 0blivion on 9/20/2007 12:45:12 PM
A thought I had about how the game code specifies which hardpoints have numbers assigned to them is a list type sequence, for example part of the list might be 10, 10, 1, 1 which means the first 2 sets of 10 hardpoints have numbers from 10 to 1 assigned to them and the next 2 hardpoints don't have any numbers assigned (why would you assign a number to something that doesn't have any variations?), or, possibly, each hardpoint could have a corresponding configuration like X, Y where X is 0 or 1 depending on whether it has a number assigned to it and Y is what number is assigned to it. These are just a few thoughts from a newbie to dll programming so they probably aren't syntactically correct, but I figured why not think out loud, someone might find it worthwhile.
Edited by - 0blivion on 9/20/2007 12:45:12 PM