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unlocking the universe map?

The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!

Post Thu Aug 30, 2007 3:13 pm

unlocking the universe map?

Hi everyone. first of all I'm sorry if this has bene asked before, I did a search but I didn't find anything.

I like playing Freelancer using mods, but the downside of it is that I need to start a new game all the time, which resets the universe map back to zero all the time. It's fatigueing having to re-discover the Sirius system over and over again just so I can see where all the jump holes are. Now, I've tried looking all over the place for a mod that unlocks the whole universe map from the start, and perhaps display all the stations/planet trade info. Would that be hard to mod myself, or do you guys know any mods that do this? Thanks in advance!

Post Thu Aug 30, 2007 4:00 pm

Try Ioncross Char editer

Start a game, create a save other than auto save and exit the game. Install Ioncross and open. Click on your saved game and open. At the bottom of the page is a box to check to reveal all map and another to unlock all jump holes/gates.

Post Fri Aug 31, 2007 12:38 pm

is there a way of getting ioncross to work with frontierspace 1.75?

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