You can also make your very own beams in all colors, lenghts and thichkness!
Here's the code for one of my beams!
nickname = Ion_beam1
tip_length = 5
core_length = 200
tail_length = 2
head_width = 1
core_width = 1
sec_core_width = 2
tip_color = 225, 255, 255
core_color = 225, 255, 255
outter_color = 255, 255, 255
sec_core_color = 225, 255, 255
sec_outter_color = 255, 255, 255
tail_color = 255, 255, 255
head_brightness = 1
trail_brightness = 1
head_texture = ball
trail_texture = ball
flash_size = 3
To make beams use "ball" as both head and trail texture! Then use core_length to make the beam long or short... The rest is selfexplanatory! And as said there's already a beam effect in FL, but that one shoots right through other ships (doesn't stop when hitting) so of you don't want that your best approach to make beam weapons would be like mine above! ... jpgpg4.jpg