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NPCs using CMs

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Post Thu May 31, 2007 6:33 am

NPCs using CMs

I thought before there was a bug that prevented NPCs from using countermeasures but now I see the new 88 Flak mod has this feature. Anyone who has that mod, how do you do this? (hopefully it's not with FLHook as I have zero experience with that)

Stupidity is like nuclear power, it can be used for good or evil. And you don't want to get any on you. - Dilbert

Post Thu May 31, 2007 8:23 am

You must probaly do something in missions/pilots_population.ini file to get it working.Never tried to do it before so i cant help.

Post Thu May 31, 2007 3:05 pm

What I made for 88 Flak's CM-firing AI is a bit of a hack job, however for the most part it does work. I simply made copies of all 3 CM droppers, and changed them from "CounterMeasureDropper" type to "MineDropper" type - the actual CounterMeasure mutition remains completely un-changed, and thus still deflects missiles (apparently, it's the munition that counts).
The one drawback from this is that NPCs will only fire CMs when an enemy is within the pilots_population.ini "mine-drop" range. While in Flak this isn't much of an issue as all fights have friendly and hostile ships swarming everywhere, it does mean that NPCs won't fire CMs to protect themselves from being, say, disrupted in cruise.

Edited by - fox Unit 01 on 5/31/2007 4:06:05 PM

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