Dev ..... you sir, are a steely eyed rocket man !!!! I found the right occurance of 00 00 7A 44 in my common.dll. I changed it to 00 80 3b 45 (3000 decimal) and ..... problem solved. I'd forgotten about swapping the bytes round (used to program in Fortran 77 .... oh about 20 or so yrs ago ... so I'd forgotten about this).
For others needing to try this, you are looking for the 00 00 7A 44 after the ascii text AVLaneAction (search from offest 18A00 onwards).
Cold void .... excellent idea .... I'd be real interested in seeing all these types of changes documented somwhere. I for one am real keen to get the variable cruise speed working without causing crashes (it causes most issues on non intel processor systems in my experience).
Anyhow.... I'm a happy bunny now. Thanks again DEV