An idea for App Makers and Modders
Is it possible to
A: Create an application, that randomizes all the trade prices throughout the freelancer world at the click of a button then save these updated files in a tempory standalone folder.
B: Features a button that uploads all these files to an internet directory.
C: Create an Auto Update program that searches for these updated files on the internet, then download them into the appropriate freelancer directory on a users system.
In this way... the freelancer world changes daily, the server operator only has to close the server for a short period of time each week so that he / she can auto update the server system. Then... the users of that server know that on.... a Saturday at X'O'Clock they are expected to run the auto-update program that will allow them to continue playing on the server without being booted on suspicion of cheating (since their files will not be the same as the server files, hence the boot.)
I like the idea, im not a programmer, a modder or anything but the idea is nice since it really starts shaping a world that changes, slightly... yes, but it still changes.
Using the same idea, wouldnt it be possible to randomize what weapons, equipment and I suppose, even ships are sold on each planet / station each week.
Same applies for News.... hmm maybe a server operator could enter his own news on a certain planet for each week.
What about the characters that are found in the bars, perhaps they could be randomized also..
It sounds like a good idea, but im just dying to find out from you guys wether its a possible idea, I really wish it was possible.
Edited by - Freedom9 on 6/15/2005 5:06:07 AM