Fri May 07, 2004 2:57 pm by Manic
OK, so I broke out the ol' FL disc and was tooling around, when I had an idea... The server is fed data on what you buy... It's fed data on where you are when you're docked. Why not have a seperate program(or even impliment it as part of the server) to check purchases, check where the player was when he acquired said purchase, and alter prices periodically? Say... a base (Buffalo) sells 3000 units of cardamine in a 24 hour period. The server detects this by marking the commodity on a checklist of some kind, and increases the cost by one credit per ten units sold? (That would be a 300 credit price hike, thus reducing the appeal of buying there). You could even set up limits, which would cause prices go down over time if certain quantities were not sold that day...(Buffalo sells 300 cardamine that day, instead of the 1500 it produces usually. Prices drop 1 credit per every 10 not sold... 120 deducted from cost for next business day)
The same could be done for selling...
*situation*Manhattan has 3000 units of Cardamine sold there, server detects this(similar method, server checks cargo before and upon leaving a base, adds to the tally in the database as appropriate), and price drops by one credit per ten units sold(300 credit value drop). If supply does not meet demand, price goes up.
(300 units sold, 2100 demand... one credit per ten difference= 180 credit increase in charge, next business day)
So, what do you fellas think?
This would reduce power-gaming, by far.