Mon Mar 22, 2004 3:23 pm by chantdeguerre
Ok, well my faction now shows up in the list, after doing what you said chips, putting someone in the base who was part of my faction (mbases.ini). So now the system works, the faction appears to work (and if I piss off their allies, they get mad). But my encounters still don't work. I found one glaring mistake in faction_props, I had set them to scan for small_arms, but realized later it was light_arms. I removed the whole line. Still nothing. I also tried making patrol paths, but also nothing. So now, I'm pretty sure my faction works, pretty sure my system works (and all the stuff in the system belongs to my faction), but still no encounters. Here are my entries to loadouts, npcships and faction_prop:
nickname = cn_n_navy_loadout01
archetype = ku_elite
equip = ge_ke_engine_01
equip = npc_shield01_mark06, HpShield01
equip = infinite_power
equip = ge_s_scanner_02
equip = ge_s_tractor_01
equip = ge_s_thruster_01, HpThruster01
equip = armor_scale_3
equip = ku_gun01_mark03, HpWeapon01
equip = ku_gun01_mark03, HpWeapon02
equip = ku_gun01_mark03, HpWeapon03
equip = ku_gun01_mark02, HpWeapon04
equip = cruise_disruptor01_mark01, HpTorpedo01
cargo = cruise_disruptor01_mark01_ammo, 5
equip = mine01_mark01, HpMine01
cargo = mine01_mark01_ammo, 20
equip = ge_s_cm_01, HpCM01
cargo = ge_s_cm_01_ammo, 20
(I copied it from a kusari navy patrol, so I could be certain that their equipment was correct, I just removed the lights and changed the nickname)
nickname = cn_n_navy_d7
loadout = cn_n_navy_loadout01
level = d7
ship_archetype = ku_elite
pilot = pilot_military_med
state_graph = FIGHTER
npc_class = lawful, class_fighter, d7
(only thing I really wonder about this is the difficulty thing. I assigned 7 kind of arbitrarily.)
affiliation = cn_n_grp
legality = lawful
nickname_plurality = singular
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_faction_li_n
jump_preference = any
npc_ship = cn_n_navy_d7
voice = pilot_f_mil_m01
voice = pilot_f_mil_m02
voice = pilot_f_leg_f01
voice = pilot_f_leg_f01a
mc_costume = mc_li
space_costume = li_captain_head, li_male_elite_body, comm_ge_generic2
space_costume = li_rockford_head, li_male_elite_body, comm_li_hatcher
space_costume = li_sales_head_hat, li_male_elite_body, comm_ge_generic2
space_costume = ge_male4_head, li_male_elite_body, comm_li_hatcher
space_costume = pl_male2_head, li_male_elite_body, comm_ge_generic2
space_costume = ge_male3_head, li_male_elite_body, comm_li_hatcher
space_costume = li_newscaster_head_gen_hat, li_female_elite_body, comm_ge_generic2_female
space_costume = li_newscaster_head_gen_hat, li_female_elite_body, comm_li_hatcher_female
space_costume = br_newscaster_head_gen_hat, li_female_elite_body, comm_ge_generic2_female
space_costume = br_newscaster_head_gen_hat, li_female_elite_body, comm_li_hatcher_female
space_costume = pl_female2_head, li_female_elite_body, comm_ge_generic2_female
space_costume = pl_female2_head, li_female_elite_body, comm_li_hatcher_female
firstname_male = 226608, 226741
firstname_female = 226808, 226952
lastname = 227008, 227307
rank_desig = 197002, 197003, 197004, 6, 9
formation_desig = 197808, 197820
large_ship_desig = 196976
large_ship_names = 202608, 202647
scan_for_cargo = commodity_cardamine, 2
scan_announce = true
scan_chance = 0.300000
formation = fighters, fighter_li_n
(this one is copied from liberty navy, with new nick and my npcship entry. the only thing I wonder about here is maybe that very last entry, fighter_li_n.)
Here's the actual encounter, found in the system's ini file.
nickname = Zone_IW07_pop_ambient_01
pos = -15856, 0, -27840
rotate = 0, 0, 0
shape = SPHERE
size = 3699
sort = 51
toughness = 4
density = 3
repop_time = 25
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = Background
relief_time = 35
population_additive = false
faction_weight = cn_n_grp, 20
encounter = area_defend, 4, 1.0
faction = cn_n_grp, 1.0
In the meantime, I'm going to try more stuff (substituting my faction for others in the encounter, seeing if any ships show up, putting other factions npcships in my factions faction_prop entry etc). But I really, really can't see why it doesn't work.
edit: does the line "size = 3699" mean that this zone is really, really huge and that the reason I can't see them is because the zone is just too damn big and they could be anywhere in it? I'm going to try shrinking it.
Edited by - chantdeguerre on 3/22/2004 3:28:15 PM