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New Dock and Jumgate Fee MOD

The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!

Post Sun Mar 23, 2003 9:57 pm

That is some good ideas to how to implement the fees. I would love to do more but without open source code to change hard coded stuff, I am limited to what I can do.

Fees and be specific for anything in SP mode with a looping script. It is alot of work and testing to get it right....I got one part to work, but another breaks. Getting a good understanding of how alot of the global commands work with the triggers and action command is critical. IntialState=true to self fire a trigger. Cnd_shipdistance and similar Cnd_* aslo command over rides; timers; if statemnet behavior.

I will get back with more, trying to finish up a newer vers of OpenGate MOD to combine a fixed version of the NoStory MOD into one much better hybrid mod in the style of Elite SP sandbox open ended universe, all gates open, no story.

Later I pile in all the good stuff. That can not be done in MP mode.

Post Sun Mar 23, 2003 10:11 pm

I wish it worked in mp

Owner od server -=Canada Server 24/7=-

Post Mon Mar 24, 2003 1:21 am

heres an idea. You have it so when a frieghter lands on a planet, it activates a counter. When the counter hits lets say... 50, Everything on that planets price goes down a number (Different per planet), It also causes the prices on other planets to go up if no one has gone there in a long time. This would actually do that economy thing you were looking for.

Post Mon Mar 24, 2003 2:33 pm

I have some ideas to run by you to see what you think...

Docking Fees
I think the way to work docking fees would be the more main streem the system is the higher the docking price would be ie. Major Planets would have higher docking fees as they would get large amounts of shipping and could charge as they wished, where as smaller backwater stations would charge less as they would get smaller amounts of shipping and want to increase trade. (definatly agree with Manic here) However on Pirate bases they could rip you off reguardless because.... well they are pirates after all.

But, I think it would be good to see a set minimum for docking fees, to account for the bay costs and re-fuling of your craft, which could be detirmined by the cost of H-Fuel on the base/planet.

Trade Lane Fees
Trade Lane fees should be a universal constant, and should be low (as the trade lanes were put there to increase trade and Corperate profits). But it would mean that you have to pay the fees again when the trade lane is disrupted.

Jump Gate Fees
On the other hand, Jump gate fees should be moderate for domestic house system travel, and higher for inter house system travel. ie New Yrok to Colorado would cost less than Leeds to Tau 31.

Jump Holes
Just to make the game a little more interesting is it possible to make the jump holes randomly shift their end points??? It would make the jump gate fees more realistic too as it would insure your arrival in the system that you want to get to.
ie. say a 10% chance of the Jump Hole from Colorado taking you to Tau 31 instead of Kepler.

Fluctuating Economy
If you want to randomise the price of commodities, why not randomise the amount that a station/planet has instead and base the prices accordingly this would give a more liquid Economy, especialy if you can work it into MP.
Ie. If a Dromedary dumps its 275 tonns of water on Freeport 5 then the price of water goes down accordingly. (This is building off Genius' Idea)

Anyway hope that gives you some ideas...
Best of luck Xerx!

" not do what you can not undo, untill you know what you can not do, once you have done it."

Edited by - belator on 24-03-2003 15:57:28

Post Mon Mar 24, 2003 6:47 pm

This is a great discovery, but I do not see what you aim at doing by having every single lane and jump gate and planet and base have a usage tax.

The jump gates from 'country' to 'country' are all right.
Random sections in the boarder worlds having an odd tax, that's reasonable.

But if you guys are telling me you think it's a good idea for everyone to have to pay to dock somewhere or use a trade lane, I'd say you're crazy.

I mean, yes you do have toll roads and pay parking in the real world, but my travels almost never bring me to such places, and I actually visit a lot of busy places where I live.

In short, once this idea gets up and running, please don't tax everything in the universe. My 50-cents.

Waste some time today[!

Post Tue Mar 25, 2003 5:57 am

Thanks for replies and ideas for implementation.
@Belator, I can not make the ecomony prices change with number of good sold or bought. The game has infinite supplies to sale or or buy. Reading in the the file, it looks like they were going to limit them implement (my project DynEcon MOD), but abandoned the idea and place holders are still there; to get the game ou the door watered down.

I got another NanoBatt MOD working on that makes shield and nanobots loot harder to get in random drops; in fact you can only buy them from a faction base or planet you are on very good terms with at a higher price (makes game harder, more interesting) but can also sell your loot shield batteries and nanobots for a higher price there. It is a good nerf to cheese batteries and bots. You must buy/sell them at a very friendly base for high price, or win them in battle. You can always sell them for cheap at any faction. Not all base and planet will no longer always have equipment rooms for repairs and/or repair bots and shield batteries for sale. This is to force people to pick a faction and not be neutral to everone (neutral has no way to BUY battery and Bots, I changed faction empathy rate for factions some [rock paper scissors like 'killing Xenos Only' to get friendly with everone is cheese), for coming mod Faction Wars; with faction pilots drops to capture and ransom back (Prisoner MOD). Makes game and MP more fun and encourage team play. More on this larger project later.

Regarding prices, for now I can only change prices outside of game restart. Also I can randomize initialworld.ini and Universe\Systems properties to give a different mix of bases and rooms, and prices, and equipment available for each restart of EXE game. It will work for MP. Thus, you must still explore to find good trade routes and where ships and equipment are at. It is within reason. I should start a new thread for this.

Rambling on...I got to get back to work! It will take time; alot of stuff can be done and work arounds, but takes time...I hope this game is still going by the time i finish. Kind of like Half Life CTF MOD breathed life back into linear game over.

THX for ides on dock fees. Gives me good ideas that people will enjoy. Software companies; just ask your customers what they want! (MOO3 should have done that).

Post Tue Mar 25, 2003 6:13 am


Yes, easy to do, and works in MP also. Make a hard item 'money' with a new coomodity good called 'Credits' to trade (universal same trade and sell price).
Pirates can be scripted to say "drop cargo" but pop up text will say what exaclty in cargo they want, such as 'Credits' hard currency money you carry on your personage in cargo hold.

There is a script in Commodity_per_Faction that tells what the different cargo pirate/police factions scan for and what amount that trigger thier response. I can add in a new market good called 'Credits' (money) that can be scripted in so pirates will, if written added in to scan for 'credits' also, will call you out on it.

You can also give it a weight of probability or even exclusively money grubbers. If you comply and 'drop the credits' cargo (money) your reputation with that pirate faction actually does incease by a small amount (also can be changed in another script); refuse to drop the money credits, your reputation with that faction will drop as it does in normal game.

Post Fri Jul 06, 2007 7:13 am

can this be applied to add the cash to someone elses account, like say theres a liberty faction, all tolls in liberty go into a character for them

Post Fri Jul 06, 2007 2:30 pm

can this be applied to add the cash to someone elses account, like say theres a liberty faction, all tolls in liberty go into a character for them

Not likely, right from the start he was saying SP it's possible, but MP unknown.

Couldn't believe it when I saw a thread started by Xerx - then I saw the date

Shame he never stayed, would have loved to have seen what we may have had with people like him interested in it

Post Sat Jul 28, 2007 1:07 am

Has no one ever tried to continue these ideas?

Post Sat Jul 28, 2007 6:07 pm

i cant remember who it was but there is a dynamic economy going just cant remember who done it and where it is right now

Get yer hosting!

Post Sat Jul 28, 2007 11:32 pm

Yes, but the other ideas mentioned here, the "looping campaign" seems to be a workaround you guys' block on how to edit vignette_params. If people could create new random missions...

Post Sun Jul 29, 2007 2:22 am

By all means, feel free to pick up the pieces and do some modding then after trial and error you might come up with the solution.

(Pronounced: siss-sue)
Guts, Tenacity, Steadfastness, Courage, and an Indomitable will to Succeed, and Survive.

Edited by - FlyByU on 7/29/2007 4:12:00 AM


Post Sun Jul 29, 2007 5:28 am

@cheese on toast: TaknTar from Evolved has created a dynamic economy (DynEcon) - It's fairly advanced

Post Mon Jul 30, 2007 12:44 am

Yah, well, only attempt at modding ended in disaster, and my copy of Freelancer is by no means stable.

One day I will try modding again. But here, I was just a little surprised no one had tried to continue this. Not my place to speak, I'm sure.

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