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What''s your opinion on the look of the ships?

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Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 10:00 pm

What''s your opinion on the look of the ships?

Overall, I have to say that I wasn't impressed with the looks. Some of the ships are truely unique in appearance, and look great at the same time. Some others have a more standard sci-fi look, that looks nice, but we've seen it before. The rest, be there take-offs of old designs, or new, are pretty ugly. Below, I've given my review of the various ships I've seen first hand. I don't say anything about their abilities, only their appearance.

A note on cockpits: Isn't it odd that, regardless of race, they all opted for huge canopies that completely expose the pilot? I think that's odd since, aside from the Bell helicopter, I can't think of any other vehicle that's ever done that. I think it's odd that a unique design that dropped out of style in a short period of time should become the galactic standard of the future. Edsel lovers, hope is not lost!

All Light Fighters: With the exception of the Patriot, it seems like every light fighter I've seen is just missing something. Often times, what's missing becomes apparent when you see it's heavy fighter version. Apparently the deciding factor for a heavy fighter is that it have wings. Light fighters are the flies who've had their wings torn off by malicious boys.

Dromedary: This is an ugly pig. From it's long snout, to the fat thruster slapped onto the back of it's boring hull, it's ugly. What is with the two hull bits hanging down, by the way? It looks like a ray gun from an old Flash Gordon show.

Sabre: Not to fond of this one either. It reminds me of a Klingon cruiser with the bulbous bridge cut off from the end of the neck. For the most part, it has an old sci-fi look that was common in say, the 80's. Think Battlestar Galactica or the X-Wings of Star Wars.

Barracuda/Hammerhead: They're close enough in looks to lump together. I have to say this ship type has one of the most unique looks I've seen in a space ship. It's narrow body reminds me of the Cobra attack helicopter. The agressive styling makes it my favorite of the fighters.

Crusader: Very artistic styling. I think it's meant to be a fish. It looks nice, but perhaps a little too busy.

Clydesdale: It's simple shapes make it a winner. It's tubby, and wide, but that's what you want in a freighter.

Eagle/Falcon/Hawk: A done-to-death design, it still looks sleek and menacing. Sadly, it's age-old design smacks of unoriginality and steals much of it's respect.

Dragon: I try to like this ship for it's flare, but I just can't overcome the sheer impracticality of it's wing design. The wings suggest an ugly thought: either wings are totally unecessary on ships, making the Dragon's artistic, and cultural, expression (and everyone else's useless,) or they are indeed necessary, making everyone else's a practical necessity and the Dragon's an aerodynamic nightmare. I pity the Kusari pilot who looks out his window and sees that someone's stolen his wings and replaced them with Piña Colada umbrellas.

Drone: Someone stuck Piña Colada umrbrellas on a take-out box for Chinese food? I give it points for otherwise having a fat, boxy freighter design. It lacks the elegance I'd expect of a Kusari ship, however. Take off the wings, and I'd probably like it. It reminds me of the box we first flew in Privateer.

Defender: It's just too cliché. Is it a heavy fighter or a bird? No question here, it's a bird. You can only take theme designs so far. Really, many of these, fish, fowl, and dragons, just go too far. The bounty hunter ships and Drone are the only ones where form and function cross nicely. The others, like the Defender, try too hard. Wave a flag, there's an eagle flying overhead.

Rhino: They had a spare ray gun handle left over from the Dromedary design. I really can't figure out what to make of the Rhino. Why is it broken up into sections like that? It can't be beneficial for cargo space. I think "someone" was just a little too Boolean-happy.

Woflhound: Avast ye! I'm not sure if it's supposed to be a chicken or a galleon. It seems to tackle both with equal vigor. This wins the catagory of "what were they thinking???" Really. I want to know.

Mule: Being from the same faction as the Wolfhound, this is a complete turn around. It's a unique and inspired design. It has the slapped-together look I'd expect from a bunch of outlaws. This is something that Han Solo would be proud to fly. It's only problem is that it looks a bit too much like a guppy. I'm willing to forgive it because of it's cockpit placement. "Top of the world, ma!"

Banshee/Valkyrie: I have to ask: "what's with the wheel?" Is that thing hamster powered, or what? I saw nothing inspiring about the design, really. Someone took a plane and replaced the tail end with a snail shell.
"We need one more ship."
"Lets see, the only thing we haven't used is this circle template..."

Humpback: It's hard to pick on freighters. They're not supposed to be pretty, they're supposed to be utilitarian. We all saw what happened when the Kusari tried to mix the two. It's for that reason that I can't fault the Humpback's design. Heck, I applaud it. "It's boxy, but it's good." Say, that could be a slogan for Volvo...

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 10:22 pm

Agreed. Someone had some idea for a new funky look of ships in this universe, somehow, it failed.

Don't get me wrong, it looks like someone was trying, but sorry to say, most of the ships just don't inspire me the way the Wing Commander ships did.

The only designs that "work" (I'll give them a c+) for me:
Dromedary - not so bad. In flight the 2 thrusters on the bottom look ok.
Rhino - looks like a brick, like a freighter should.
Defender - It needs the top fin like Juni's.
Wolfhound - It looks like 18th century pirate ship somehow. Its just too bad that is such a big target and only available at level 13 or I'd like it better.

The only ship that looks good to me is the Dragon. The wings are just right, its got an oriental flair, looks like a dagger with a handle, small profile, good loadouts.

Dragon:I pity the Kusari pilot who looks out his window and sees that Someone's stolen his wings and replaced them with Piña Colada umbrellas.

Drone: Someone stuck Piña Colada umrbrellas on a take-out box for Chinese food?

Banshee/Valkyrie: I have to ask: "what's with the wheel?" Is that thing hamster powered, or what?

LOL! Those Rhineland ships are supposed to be some of the most powerful, but I can't help but laugh at them....

Me no gun

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 11:05 pm

Yep, I second that!! the ships dont look the way they could have looked.

Just take the series Star Trek or the Wing Commander games, they both have some very nice ships.

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 11:16 pm

Couldn't agree more...I can't work out who was more insane, the ship designer or everyone who approved his designs...the drone is just disgusting with those wings...they look totally stuck on. I was just baffled when I first saw it, I couldn't understand how anyone could come to the conclusion that a fairly normal looking freighter design needed two bizarre things stuck onto it...then I saw it flying over planet Kyushu..ohhhh it's meant to look like a dragon boat in Hong Kong harbour...well aside from the fact that dragon boats are chinese yeah we get it, they're an asian culture, guess you wanted to give it an asian flavour LOL. Expect to see 2004 toyotas coming out with little wings on them too?
I'm australian, I'm kind of glad our culture got wiped by the coalition (except for that sleazy aussie theif that had the artifact lol), at least destruction spared us from having a kangaroo shaped ship with a boomerang on the nose.

I have to say, all fun aside I'd rather pilot a boring hawk/falcon/eagle any day that one of the ugly monstrosities that are the alternative.
As soon as I got out of liberty I couldn't wait to dump the Defender, finally I could get rid of this think it looks like an eagle? Hah more like a turkey with that wierd neck bit.
I was so excited as I docked with the Battleship Norfolk and finally laid eyes on my new....GOLDFISH?!!!
All in all, to me the ships look like someone has taken basic, but passable sci-fi designs then taken various animal parts (turkey neck, goldfish tail, dragon wings) and various mural bits like on the side of 1920s skyscrapers then closed their eyes and thrown them at ships designs and wherever they landed they were added.
I can't see how most of them could possibly be functional which begs the question...if they were going for decoration then why in god's name make them so ugly?
Great game, but more despite the ship designs than because of them.

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 11:33 pm

But i have the feeling freelancer will have a few expansion packs that will add new ships that will reflect what users have asked for. Micro$oft is known for expansions and expansions and more expansion packs.

Thats a good thing I guess. But I hope one day we can own a Battleship and we can attack and destroy Bases. And even rebuild bases or build from scratch would have been even more great. Imagine owning a base and setting the prices to what you sell in them to attrack traffic and make huge profits to arm even more.

Anyways the game is great but can be much greater. I just thought that after 4 years of waiting that they would have us fall off our chairs.

But its still a keeper for many months to come.

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 11:38 pm

The Nomad Ship Look Awesome! like a blue shark

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 11:46 pm

I know, THANK GOD! I thought I was the only one! I mean the ships from WC Prophec looked better than the FreeLancer ships and that was 6 freaken years ago!!!! What where they thinking? Chris Roberts should of slapped them in the face for destroying his Lancer saga! And for godsake Chris make a new WC game plz!!!!

PS: He can't hear me right now but I'll just pretend he can.
PSS: The Nomad ships were just the alien ships from Prophecy with a blue translusante map on top of it.

Edited by - ShazBo on 14-03-2003 23:49:04

Post Fri Mar 14, 2003 11:47 pm

dont like 95% of them mainly cus they lack imagination, not to talk about the name....
Has anyone actually felt the sense os speed in this game?

Post Mon Mar 17, 2003 6:54 pm

I just wanted to update things after the weekend. I flew a Corsair light fighter for a bit, so I can add my impression for them.

Legionaire: It's got wings, shouldn't it be a heavy fighter? I guess I need to reclassify the deciding factor as "fins." Since the heavy fighter adds fins, and the very heavy fighter adds...more fins. Governments of the world take note, if you want to upgrade your military arsenal, add fins. That AK-47 not killing fast enough for you? Add fins to the stock. Hey, that T-72 tank isn't obsolete after all, slap some fins on the back, and make those M1-A2's cower in fear! Cadillac seems to have been on the right track during the 60's. Okay, aside from that, the Legionaire looked pretty good. It had a very graceful appearance (albeit a bit Romulan)- when seen from the back. It's one glaring flaw is the cockpit they slapped onto the front of this thing. With little effort, I imagined about ten different styles that would've worked better here. Just look at some of the other ship designs for inspiration (but not the Rheinlands!)

One more issue that I came to mind while I was doing all of this. No matter how hard I try to "just go with it," the artistic designs of some ships are so unreasonable as to be silly. The fact that these ships are lacking any commonality of design makes it even harder. It's not enough that they all have a cockpit, some gun mounts, and a thruster - especially since even their designs are so different. Well over 800 years of space flight and space combat is documented in this game. I can only expect that certain characteristics would've become standard in that time.

Take a look at anything manufactured by different nations throughout the world today. Whether it's cars, trains, boats, planes, cell phones, you name it, they all share certain aspects within their design. The first thing you'll note is that none of them make a big show of their cultural background. As someone else noted in this thread, you don't see Japanese cars with junk sails slapped on the roof. You will note that they do have a difference in appearance. Compare a Saab to a Jaguar, to a BMW, to Honda, to a Ford. Each one differs in ways that we recognize as being a character of the region it comes from. They all, however, have four wheels, a centralized cab, a radio antennae, front grill, exhaust pipe, a hood, a trunk (boot for you English chaps,) a steering wheel, and at least two doors.

Compare that to the ships in Freelancer. They all have the same HUD and sensors, for example. How come the Rhino has antennaes sticking out all over the place, and no other ship has any? Why do some ships have wings, and some don't? Why are some wings functional in appearance, and others purely artistic? Why are all cockpits filled with floor-to-ceiling glass windows?

Some ships seem designed for functionality, and others seem purely artistic. The Dragon is perhaps the worst design I've ever seen. Why? It's a heavy fighter, yet it's got parasol/bamboo wings sticking out all over the place. If you're going to stick anything on a fighter, I would hope it's going to be either armor or weaponry. Do you think that jet designers have ever strived to make a fighter jet in the shape of a fish? No, because they have to focus on performance - that's why the stealth fighter looks so ugly. They might have been inspired by the sleekness of a fish's body, but you won't see random fins sticking out all over the place. Simply put, it's one thing to name your ship after an animal, it's an entirely different matter to make it physically resemble that animal.

I would love for the actual designers to come forward and suggest how the various ships they created are supposed to work. In theory, everything we see on these ships - especially the combat vessels, has a purpose to it. Maybe they can also explain how adding a fin makes a ship more deadly.

Post Tue Mar 18, 2003 12:17 am

Hey, some of the ships are just riced-up versions with big spoilers and exhaust pipes. It really *does* make it go faster, you know!

I thought the ships looked fine. At least they were able to get soem visual differentiation in between the different systems. Lots better than "Ship", "Ship +1", "Ship +2", etc.


Post Tue Mar 18, 2003 1:50 am

bravo bravo !! *claps claps*

good posts

probably the only sleek looking fighters are those borderworld ones IMHO and the corsairs, the rest are umm.....

Who wants to fly an Excalibur or a pirahna ?

Post Tue Mar 18, 2003 2:42 am

Rofl, these ship reviews are hilarious. Nice one.

But I like the look of my sabre. It kinda looks like a fox.

And Rhino looks just like space ships in movies like Alien and stuff like that so I like it.

If you want something ugly though, take a look at the rheinland battleship. No wonder everyone wanted to destroy them, they're so ugly.

Post Tue Mar 18, 2003 3:04 am

Yup, the Drone is a space chinchilla with no limbs. The engine placements are just... wrong!! Giant space chinchilla testes!!


Post Tue Mar 18, 2003 3:56 am

At first, a lot of the ships seemed "meh" to me, but after I used them, they grew on me. I think the ships look beautiful.

Post Tue Mar 18, 2003 12:36 pm

I'm surprised no one has commented on some of the ships look like bugs.

The Starflier, Cavalier and Startracker look like hornets (almost like the Brown Hornet's ship in Bill Cosby's cartoon), the Clydesdale looks like a big fat bug (maybe a ladybug/bird) and the Rhino looks like a grasshopper.

Then there's the whole fish and bird themes in a lot of the other ships.

Personally I'd prefer it if the ships didn't identify with something other than themselves, but considering all the sci-fi shows that have been around, it’s probably hard to be original without going psycho.

Still, it's a hell fun game and I don't think my few gripes regarding the ship designs detract one bit from the fun.

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