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Neutrals acting hostile...

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Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 6:02 pm

Neutrals acting hostile...

Okay. What gives?

Going through the single player campaign, I had just reached level 10 in Britonia space. I thought, "of cool, now I can get that Dromedary transport at the Lane Hacker's base!".

So I leave Leeds to for the nearby-by jumphole to the system with the Hacker's base. I immediately get jumped by a horde of Molly's and Outcasts (I think), so I think "screw this" and make a run for the Hacker's base. As soon as I get close, they go from neutral to hostile. Hm. I just gave up there and loaded a save game, thinking that they turned hostile because I was in a fight with their friends.

So I go back in with a slightly different plan. I go through jumphole and promptly eliminate all the enemy ships. I then, again, head towards the Hacker's base. Sure enough, the go from neutral to hostile AGAIN. WHY!? I just want that stupid freighter. *cry* And naturally... when I look at my relations stats, they still show on the positive side of neutral. What's their problem?

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 6:19 pm

Same happened to me. Go back to your save game before you shot up anyone when going to Lane Hacker base. Wait until you HAVE to go to Kurasi space. Then get your freighter. Works the two times I have done it.

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 7:39 pm

That sucks (and is stupid). I was hoping to get a bit of an edge since the Dromedary has a higher weapons level than the other ships in Britonia. Ah well... atleast I'll be able to come back for the cargo capacity. Time to finally try out a freighter.

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 8:04 pm

Samething happend to me. So this is what I did. Buy the Crusader then I jumped Magelan and from there jump to New York and start killing lots of Liberty police navy and bounty hunters. This will increase your reputation with the liberty rouges and it will allow you to land on Buffalo Base in NY. There you can hack your rep to be friendly with the rouges and and now the rouges and outcast will leave you alone. Make your way back to magellan and you will now be able to land on Mactan base and buy the dromedry freighter.

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 8:23 pm

Hmm.. not a bad idea. I never liked the idea of going pirate in Liberty post-SP missions because of stupid loyalty to Juni, but right now Liberty hates us both anyway... so I guess this is the best time to do stuff like that.

Will try that tonight. Should be a challenge. Thx for the tip.

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 9:23 pm

Be careful how you increase your rep to be able to land on Buffalo Base. Kill to many Bounty Hunters and you wont be liked by the Britonian Police. If you still have stuff to do in Britonian space then killing a lot of Bounty Hunters may not be the way to go. I would just go after the Liberty Navy and Police to increase your rep.

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