Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 12:44 pm

How to find bribing locations (cheap spoiler)

This is a pretty cheap way to find people that you can bribe to get your rep with certain groups up, but in my experience so far, it works. Here goes (using Red Hessians as an example):

Step 1: Decompress mbases.ini in your DATA\MISSIONS folder, using HCl's INI decompressor, look over in the editing forum if you don't know how to do it.

Step 2: Identify the name of the group you want to improve your rep with, as it appears in mbases.ini: You can use the list at ... cer&M=True

to find it. The Red Hessians are fc_rh_grp.

Step 3: Search through mbases.ini for every instance of the following string:
With our example, bribe=fc_rh_grp. Each time you find one of these, it will be in a [GF_NPC definition...all that you need take notice of is the nickname for whatever GF_NPC the bribe line appears in. For example, the first occurrence of bribe=fc_rh_grp is in the GF_NPC whose nickname is rh0101_junkers_001_m. The part of the nickname we care about is the first six characters; they symbolize the system and base that this character is found in. With our rh0101_junkers_001_m, the Rh0101 tell us that this character can be found in system Rh01, base Rh01_01_base. In general, a combination of six characters XXYYZZ where XX are 2 letters and YY and ZZ are 2-digit numbers, will produce a system of XXYY and a base of XXYY_ZZ_Base. Anyway, since Rh01 and Rh01_01_Base probably mean nothing to you, it helps to have a list of what systems and bases are what; you can find that at ... er&M=False

Looking at the system list, you can see that Rh01 is New Berlin, and Rh01_01_Base is Planet New Berlin. So, this entry tells us that on New Berlin there is a character that you can bribe to raise your rep with the Red Hessians. Note that this is only one specific character who may or may not be at the bar at any given time (you'll need to save/reload or launch/redock to get him to appear), and even if he is, he may not always offer to take a bribe for whatever faction you're looking for. This particular character on New Berlin, for example, also takes bribes for the Junkers, Unioners, and LWB, and if you click on him it chooses almost at random which one he'll take a bribe for (again, if he doesn't offer you a bribe for the faction you want, you'll have to save/reload and he'll switch). Anyway, if you keep looking for entries with the line bribe=fc_rh_grp, you'll find 5 people on Rh0108 (Kreuzberg Depot), 2 on Rh0306 (Darmstadt Depot), Bw0201 (Cadiz Base), and Rh0504 (Vogtland Base), and 1 on Rh0201 (Planet Hamburg), Rh0402 (Mainz Storage Facility), Rh0405 (Bruchsal Base), Bw0102 (Freeport 1), Bw0202 (Ronneburg Base), Bw0301 (Freistadt Base), Bw0402 (Freital Base), Ew0302 (Freeport 5), and Ew0401 (Freeport 9).

I apologize if this is confusing or anything, I suck at explaining stuff, but yeah, hopefully this will make sense to those of you needing more friends.

EDIT: Apparently I suck at putting coherent HTML in messages too, so yeah, just copy and paste the two links.

Edited by - strangeduck on 13-03-2003 12:47:28