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How to get a VHF being a good guy: please help!

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Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 4:22 am

How to get a VHF being a good guy: please help!


My problem is simple, but probably has no solution.

I'm a good guy, friend of almost every corporation and police (and the Bounty Hunters). all bad guys hate me, but I want to buy a Very heavy Fighter. I tried the Eagle, but I don't know how to get to omicron theta. I always get to omicron beta through the jumphole and the bad guys rip my falcon apart in a 1-second pass.

Any help would be appreciated


Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 4:30 am

well... get friendly with the bad guys.. albeit temporarily..

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 4:35 am

You can get the Hammerhead at Freistadt Base or the Eagle at Freeport 9 without having to go neutral/friendly with any pirate types, you can never get the Sabre or Titan unless you do though.

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 4:35 am

Ok. Let's consider this option. Since all bad guys really hate me (max on the -hate-neutral-good gauge) how can I get even neutral status with, say, the corsairs, to buy a titan ?


Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 4:37 am

Kill lots of Hessains... or pay a couple hundred thousand for bribe...

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 4:44 am

What he said /\ /
for outcasts (and Sabre):

kill xenos and hagosha ...

you could also reduce your friendlyness level with bounty hunters...

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 4:45 am

I'm afraid you're going to have to tarnish your reputation and get friendly with some of the "less desirable" elements of society if you want to fly the Eagle, or either of the other Very Heavy Fighters.

Unfortunately, the game's not set up so that you can get the good stuff if you try to remain a "Good Guy". :-( It bites, but that's just the way it is.

Mainly, you need to get at least neutral, if not friendly with the Zoners. I found a guy on the planet Kurile, in Sigma 17, who "fixed" my rep with them. For the right price. The Eagle's a sweet ship (My personal favorite). You owe it to yourself to fly it. Eventually, you're going to want to get neutral with the Corsairs and Outcasts too.

If you do go to the planet Kurile, be sure to cruise around some south of the planet. You might find an interesting jump-hole.

Edited by - Cleric on 13-03-2003 04:46:14

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 4:49 am

Zero Gravity: I tried

I think it's the best way to go. So, I decided to go for the eagle, but I also don't know how to get to freeport 9 without facing lots and lots of corsairs and so on... I don't even know if freeport 9 is close to omicron beta. I did the jumphole from sigma-19 but I was not able to go far.

I think that freeport 9 is zoners- controlled, so I won't have any problem (I'm neutral to them) so far).

Edit: before you all start asking why I don't know such things, well, it's simple... I'm not really "motivated" by the single player. I did some missions, but what I really enjoy is to play MP on a server I started here @ home, with my son and friends. I'll finish the SP someday, but right now I'm really enjoying MP...

Thanks (again )

Edited by - stealthnet on 13-03-2003 05:02:13

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 8:24 am

Hail again,

I'm with FLDataStorm open right now, and I can see whre omicron theta is. There are 3 ways to omicron theta.

1. sigma-19
From sigma-19, to sigma 17, and then to omicron theta.

2. omega-7
From omega-7 to omega-11, omega-41 and then, omicron theta.

3. Omega-5
From omega-5 to omega-41 and then to omicron theta.

Paths 2 and 3 are not possible for me due to their nature: bad guys bases. But my question is: is that the path 1 a more-less reliable path for a good guy "? I'm not in trouble with the zoners (neutral).

Please, your comments are welcome.


Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 9:36 am

The border worlds are swarmed with 'bad guys'... corsairs, outcasts. You're going to encoutner them constantly, and they will have top notch equip. The border worlds are a very dangerous place you know. Outside of law enforcement protection and all that. Its intentionally difficult, if you don't have good faction.

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 11:54 am

yip...think of 8 titans or eagles or saberes approching u every 10 secs...but it pays down ther ( or up there ). every mission i got was min 100k

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 4:49 pm

So, no matter which path I take, I'll face real trouble ? Even if I go through option 1 ?

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 5:01 pm

A flaw in the game.

Make some money and spring for the bribes on the freeports. Bribing the Corsairs is your best bet and it won't make you hostile to your other factions, just neutral.

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 10:31 pm

Truly not a flaw in the game. Why would they make it easy to get the best stuff. No offense to the previous poster but I think that it is far from a flaw. Pay 150K a few times (ouch) or shoot your friends in the back ( HA) and run and it pays off. The real hard part for myself is decidng which gun set up to use on a ship that holds 4 level 10's and two level 9's, a forward facing turret as well as backward, and a shield class 10. Also once you get one the missions you can take are up to 240K ive seen so far. This makes it easy to rebribe the cops if you want to become neutral again. In order to become the GODLY good guy you must be evil for a while. I suggest the outcasts so you can buy a sabre and rake some fat credits with their high level missions.

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 11:40 pm

Define being a bad guy first.

You can get some pirate factions to like you merely by beating on their pirate enemies and avoiding them for a long time. They'll at least like you enough to let you land and bribe them. It probably won't even make the governments dislike you, though it might ratchet them from friendly to neutral.

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