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Omicron Alpha

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Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 1:45 am

Omicron Alpha

Hi, I'm trying to buy me a nice Sabre Very Heavy Fighter from Omicron Alpha, but I cant figure out how to get there. I've tried through Tau 23 but there are no waypoints so i cant find any portal to it, though the map ive been using says you can get there through tau 23. Someone tell me how to get there and how to defeat radiation dmg plz. Also, Outcasts despise me.

Mike Kerstein

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 2:48 am

If the Outcasts despise you, you're going to have a really rough time getting to Omicron Alpha, it's their home world you know.

If you check out the outcast patrol routes in tau-23, you should be able to find a jump hole to one of the edge worlds (it has freeport 10 in it I believe). Again, if you follow the Outcast patrol routes, you'll find the jump hole.

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 2:49 am

You can get it in omega 11 or dresden I don't remember where, but its on a Red Hessian base.. so you better at least be neutral to them.

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 3:12 am

First you absolutley must make the OUTCAST and The CORSAIRS like you. Or you will never get there. Go kill police and military until they are nuetral to you and then you can go in their territory. Go to Tau 23 and take the 'jump hole' through to Tau 37 and then there is another jump gate that will take you to Omnicrom Alpha. Go to this web site it will show you maps of how to get there. GOOD LUCK

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 4:03 am

You can't find Malta? I thought it was pretty easy to find. Anyway, go bribe a Zoner and he will fix your rep with the Outcasts. It costs about $120,000 credits. I just did it today. You don't need to be on good terms with the Corsairs, just the Outcasts, if you want to get the Sabre.

Killer of Khaja the Fang
Privateer Extrodanaire

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 4:50 am

its easier to go neutral with the red hessians and buy the ship at vogtland base

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