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Cruise diruptors

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Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 5:08 pm

Cruise diruptors

how does a cruise disruptor work, is it some sort of missile or a beam that you fire

Lord Darth Locutus-

--Embodiment of the Sith--

If all you have to fear is fear itself, then be very afraid of me

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 5:13 pm

It's a missile that disrupts cruise engines, fly through some outer systems with your cruise engines for some examples.

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 5:29 pm

OK thanks for the info

Lord Darth Locutus-

--Embodiment of the Sith--

If all you have to fear is fear itself, then be very afraid of me

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 5:44 pm

LordZach evil boy

PH33R Th3 DuTcH!!
CuZ W3h g0T M4D Sk1LLz!!!

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 6:43 pm

One thing is for sure... he wont be crusing too far.

Infinity is only moments away...

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 7:03 pm

they are annoying when you are on the receiving end.

they can be fun when on the "dealing" end :p

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 7:23 pm

lol, once a friend and myself followed this guy in a freighter. My friend would shut down tradelanes and I would CD him every time he tried to cruise away, and once he was close to the base (after a long time of drift/boosting) we killed him. We are evil pirates

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 9:32 pm

They are fun - especially when used to harras the newbs.


What's even funnier is I was in my frieghter and a player tried that on me. Well he didn't think to get some good guns and became space dust when I blasted him with the turrets.

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance..."

Edited by - ***opelli on 12-03-2003 21:33:05

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 8:13 pm

Question - Do the counter-measures work on cruise disruptors? I've tried them when I hear the "Missle launch detected" voice come up and they seem to work the odd time. either that or they fired a regular missle at me. Anyone know if countermeasures are effective?

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 9:49 pm

They are effective but it seems to me unless you let off about 3-5 countermeasures a cruise missile will whap you. It feels (though may not be so) that cruise missiles have very good seeking capabilities. I am almost never hit with a regular missile if I let off a countermeasure early but cruise missile hit me a lot for whatever reason. Furthermore, it is necessarily the most effective to let off countermeasures as soon as a missile warning is received. You may want to wait about 1-2 seconds(unless they are fireing at you point blank) because you must remember countermeasures have an "active range" and if your flying at afterburner and let one off you'll be too far away from the countermeasure for it to help you if you let it off right away.

Universal Peace Through Deadly Force

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 9:56 pm

Cruise missiles are tough to counter, but it's possible. I had a pretty display last night that was worthy of screenshot if it hadn't happened so fast. I had hit my cruise and was flying past a group of incoming hostiles that shot a cruise disruptor at me. I hit the countermeasure and saw the cruise disruptor fly right past me, very close, very quickly. Was kind of exciting.

It's funny at times. I'll pop into the middle of a huge army of hostiles, 8-10 or so, and instinctively think the run like hell and hope for the best. I'll hit my cruise and take a pounding being knocked in and out trying to get some space. Finally I'll give up and, even with very few shield batteries and nanabots left, turn around and say "Okay bitch. You want some of me?" I'll somehow manage to reduce them all to scrap metal and remain in one piece.

Moral of the story? Don't force into battle an undefeatable monster that has chosen to leave on their own.

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