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Level 18- 19?? Help!!

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Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 3:56 pm

Level 18- 19?? Help!!

I beat sp, and im on level 18, and the level of money required for next level keeps changing constantly!! sometimes it says mission, sometimes it doesnt! Help!? Any idea what i need to do? I meet the money requirement, and the last objective after SP said "find a job". I took a lot of jobs, and did some trading. Help?!?!

-Freelancing away[!-

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 3:58 pm

It shows you how much more money you have to earn before going one level up.
This amount decreases as you earn more money.

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 4:05 pm

Just earn money. When it says level requirement: mission after you beat SP story that's a little bug but it doesn't do anything bad. When the cash you have changes, it will go away. When you have level requirement: $$$ that means how much money you need to make before you gain a level. So let's say it say 10.000 there. If you earn 1.000 after that it will say level requirement: 9000. It always says how much money you need to make from that moment on to level up. So if you earn another 9.000 you will level up at which point level requirement will say how much money you need to make for you to reach next level.

ownage is such a capitalistic term.

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 5:20 pm

Ahhhhh thank you!! i just level-up'ed!
Thanx a lot

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