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Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 1:33 pm


sorry ,
i´ve got a noobie question.
can you say me where i can find wracks with higher lev weapons??



Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 3:14 pm


yes, you are a newbie in this forum the best thread for this is this one think they have most of the lvl 10 weapons located. in my opinion, the best systems for getting those weapons are sigma 13 because it´s not too hard over there to get the weapons, omicron gamma and alpha of course too, but as you travel through the other border and edge worlds you will find more of these wrecks. In Omicron gamma and alpha you will find some nomad weapons by shooting them down (this weapons don´t need energy) and excuse me when iám not a german as you i wouldn´t understand your topic .

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 3:45 pm

Level 9 and 10 wreck weapons are all fine and good, though I believe he is currently looking for some of the lower level wrecks ( as am I ) that can be found in other systems for smaller 'lancers.

I have only found three systems so far that have them. New York has 2 ( from the demo ) Leeds has one in the West dust field, and I stumbled upon one in I believe Kyushu last night .. about 30 clicks north of the Battleship Nagumo a near the Tau-29 jump hole.

There have to be many more secrets like this, but they are hard as all get out to find, and rumors about them are scarce in bars :-(

Infinity is only moments away...

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 3:59 pm

Go to the Dublin System. In the astroid fields in the southeast and southwest part of system there be wreaks with some nice weapons.

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