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HELP! Stuck....

If you are stuck in a mission and do not know how to continue, this is the place to ask for help. Missing that elusive Level 10 Shield? Don''t know where to find the lost Ohtori ship? This is the only place where spoilers are allowed!

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 8:22 am

HELP! Stuck....

hm... i am now lvl 10, and need to get myself up to lvl 11, but hell it is damn HARD to get the personal worth!! i get only a few thousand worth points per mission, if i am going to lvl up i need 30 thousands! it shud take me like 25 more missions! HELL.

is it the way the game run or i just doing things the stupid way?

can some1 teach me how to lvl up faster?

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 8:48 am

Make sure you are also carrying cargo to trade. You should be running both missions and cargo at the same time. You can also tractor in good from the ships you kill and sell them to.

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 4:42 am

i see... man that requires alot more time to plan my routes. any more suggestions?

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 4:48 am

dont be a chicken and take those low paying missions

take the ones that pay the most, its still pretty easy

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 4:58 am

Not sure exactly where you are in the SP missions right now. But, if you're not past the part where Juni tells you to go see your old friend in Leeds and upgrade your ship, it would be a good time to buy a freighter and do enough runs to sock away a couple hundred thousand, plus buy the best fighter you can at that point!

A good run is Optronics from Planet Leeds to Planet Cambridge, then diamonds for the return trip. You can even get the freighter at Planet Leeds.

Good Luck!

Post Thu Mar 13, 2003 8:00 am

thanks for all the advices! anyway... i can't find Optronics at planet leeds... izit a mistake? and i need more trade routes between these planets, Leeds, London, Cambridge and Freeports... thanks!!

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