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Making friends with Outcasts?

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Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 11:29 pm

Making friends with Outcasts?

What is a good way to make friends with the outcasts? Is there someone I can bribe? Thanks!

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 3:55 am

Kill liberty ships they're easy. Oh Kill bretonia or rhinegard ships too. Kill kusari ships. Kill any lawful factions. Kill IMG anything that is not rebel. Bounty hunters are real good for raising outcast faction.

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 7:52 am

this is a bit long , but this is how i did it.

fly to colorado system , in the south mining zone (where u get silver)
kill ALOT of xenos . i mean ALOT . once your neutral to outcasts venture
into omicron beta/alpha . i bribed outcasts in malta , but this is a bit weird
since you cant land there without being outcast neutral .

the xenos are easy target for a well equipped anubis , happy shooting .
shoot about 20-30 and check your rep , you see some "hate" you less and
less . oh , keep your cargo hold empty for some silver from the mining field
as well

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 8:54 am

That Calie Base in TAU-23 you can pay brides for Outcast, GC, and Zone.

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 9:18 am

any base allied with the outcasts will eventually have someone in the bar you can bribe for good outcast faction. unless you are at the maximum level of hate that is.

Post Wed Mar 12, 2003 9:30 am

My method was haxx0r.

I killed a ton of bounty hunters.. not sure where.. one of the places where they 'spawn' en masse. Killing bounty hunters for an hour or so, brought all my factions to good or neutral, obviously excluding bounty hunters. I then hit up the Detroit Munitions area and killed xenos for about an hour until bounty hunters went back to neutral.

All in all, neutral/good to all but xenos.. and xenos are puss. This system is great, because killing xenos only increases your factions positively with everyone, because everyone hates xenos!

I initally was going to just stay hostile to Bounty Hunters, but they have a heavy presense in the border/edge systems, and their advanced EQ OWNED my An00bis.

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