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Anyone working on a list for bribing factions?

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Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 10:52 pm

Anyone working on a list for bribing factions?

I'd love to see a list of which bases you have to go to in order to bribe each faction. That's assuming that their placement isn't random. :\

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 10:57 pm

The actual bribes are random, you have to keep going back to the bar to find people if they're not there at first.

The general rule on "Who can I talk to if I want better relations with X" is that you go to a base commanded by one of their allies. So, for example, to get in with the Outcasts, you need to talk to people on a GC, LR, or Junkers base. If you're looking for a list of which faction controls which base...then no, I can't help you :p

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