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Pirating cargo ships, is this true?

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Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 8:50 pm

Pirating cargo ships, is this true?

I found out in another thread that when you are going to pirate a cargo ship you can just hit their cargo containers and tractor those in without destroying the ship. Then they just go temporarily hostile while you fly away and your faction doesn't take a permanent hit because you just took the cargo and didn't kill them. If this is true I fell like an idiot because I always thought you had to kill them to get the cargo lol.

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 11:06 pm

I believe this is true, because I tried this with my pirate character. I found out by mistake, cause I usually just blow them up. Though there was one time I just blew off the cargo and didn't even have to kill the ship..... though I blew it up anyways after I beamed in the cargo, lol

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