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What am I doing wrong?

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Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 3:56 pm

What am I doing wrong?

What Am I Doing Wrong?

Can any one help me with this?

I’ve just been on a mission for the Outcasts. As a result, I picked up ‘Mission Cargo’. It says ‘Alias List’. What am I supposed to do with it? I’ve taken it back to Planet Malta (from where I had the mission) but it’s still stuck in my cargo hold! I can’t sell it and I can’t dump it in space.

Can any one help a damsel in distress?



Edited by - Jessica on 11-03-2003 15:56:21

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 5:13 pm

Hmmmm... sounds like a bug, maybe. Have you tried buying a new ship? Maybe that will clear it... maybe try selling it along w/ your old ship... dunno. Heck, maybe try getting police to scan your cargo... maybe they'll take it.


Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 6:07 pm

I guess you were supposed to shoot that as part of the mission, instead of beaming it in. Most likely a bug, as in those cases I wasn't able to use the tractor beam and the mission wasn't successful until I simply blasted the flying cargo to pieces.

This being a mission cargo, it's probably not taking any place, so other than having an extra item listed in your cargo hold, you are not at a disadvantage if it turns out you cannot get rid of it in any way.

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 7:25 pm

Hi Guys, (assuming FDS is male)

Thanks for the reply.

The mission didn’t say that I had to destroy anything. It’s just that after a battle there’s a lot of goodies flying around just waiting to be picked up. It does disappear when you change ships (I exchanged my Titan for a Sabre), but I want to keep the Titan.

Looks like a bug to me.

Never mind. I’ll re-load a previous saved game and this time avoid that particular mission.

Thanks for the input.



Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 9:03 pm

Definitely a BUG!

I’ve discovered that by saving my game, quitting to the main menu and then re-loading my saved game straight away, the ‘Mission Cargo’ disappears!




Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 9:09 pm

After the story is over and you are left with the randomly generated missions, they all are one of the following templates:

#1 Shoot all the enemy ships

#2 Shoot one specific ship, but it won't appear until you have shot down some others first, so basically same as #1

#3 Same as #2, but after the target ship is destroyed, you have to tractor beam in his escape pod and return with it to the base where you got the mission

#4 Same as #2, but some item with a randomly generated name will pop out of the target ship which you have to shoot and destroy instead of picking it up and returning to base

#5 Shoot some random enemy structure, you will be attacked by enemy ships meanwhile which you may or may not have to destroy

Your problem sounded like a "#4" mission where that otherwise useless, mission-specific loot pops out of the target ship. "Alias List" sounds like just a name it would randomly generate for those missions. There's no such commodity item in the game.

Here's an example mission text:

So, the insert faction name here has now done something new. Apparently, they've managed to snag some chemical waste . It's clear however, that insert name here 's is the mastermind behind this affront. That makes him a very popular corpse in our book. Your mission is to acquire and then terminate him. Meanwhile, destroy the waste while you are at it, just to be on the safe side.

And in place of "chemical waste" you can have any randomly generated item name, just for illusion.

And yes, I'm a guy.

Edited by - fds on 11-03-2003 21:10:22

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