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Nomad Weapons

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Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 8:59 am

Nomad Weapons

Can someone tell me where can i get nomad weapons and how to get there?

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 9:39 am

If you just hit Ctrl F on your keyboard to search the page and type in Nomad you will see about a million posts (maybe more) about Nomad weapons. I'll go ahead and tell you though, here's a copy of a good post by Skaleus:


This is desperately needed, so please sticky this so the Nomad Weapons threads can stop.

Q. Where can I find the Nomad weapons?
A. Omicron Alpha, near the jumphole to the Unknown System. That's F4 on the grid.

Q. I've killed a few Nomads in the right place, but didn't get any weapons!
A. Not every ship drops a weapon. I'd say one in four, maybe five, drops one.

Q. How many different Nomad weapons are there?
A. There are two that they drop, the Nomad Cannon and Nomad Blaster.

Q. How do I get to Omicron Alpha?
A. There are jump holes from Omicron Beta and Tau-29. Go to your navmap and check the patrol routes to find the jump holes.

Q. I'm in Omicron Alpha, but I don't see any Nomads!
A. Go to the grid location F4. They show up every few minutes in waves of four fighters.

Q. What else is in Omicron Alpha?
A. Omicron Alpha is the home of the Outcasts, and they're packing Sabres and some insanely good equipment. Make sure you're friendly with them before you go in so you don't have to fight them off, and so you can have a place to repair and equip the Nomad weapons. You should also have a ship with a strong hull due to the radiation in that sector.

Q. What are the stats on these weapons?
A. Here's the stats on the weapons. Note that both weapons need NO energy to fire, so they won't drain your reserves like other weapons.

Nomad Blaster
Hull Damage: 635
Shield Damage: 317
Range: 699
Speed: 600
Rate of Fire: 4.0
Energy: 0

Nomad Cannon
Hull Damage: 847
Shield Damage: 423
Range: 699
Speed: 600
Rate of Fire: 3.03
Energy: 0

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