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Best Ships, Weapons, Shields

If you are stuck in a mission and do not know how to continue, this is the place to ask for help. Missing that elusive Level 10 Shield? Don''t know where to find the lost Ohtori ship? This is the only place where spoilers are allowed!

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 8:14 am

Best Ships, Weapons, Shields

I have just bought the Barracuda Heavy Fighter. And what a great ship it is compared to the Defender Heavy Fighter by the Liberty. Fast, Agile and better all round weaponds, and Shields! But I have just noticed here there is also a ship the same as the Barracuda, but with more power called the Hammerhead. Does this ship have the same agility as the Barracuda. And were can it be bought!

I now have a rating of 13, and she is waiting for me to start the next mission. But I want a better ship before meeting here to start mission 14.

So some advice here on were the best Ships, Weaponds, and Shields etc, can be purchased from would be nice.

What Systems, Stations, or Battleships etc!


Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 3:39 pm

You will only be able to purchase the better equipment after the story part is over.

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 9:07 pm

you'll find the hamerhead in the freeport station between Bretonia and Rheinland

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