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can''t jump on some jumpholes

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Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 4:31 am

can''t jump on some jumpholes

i found an Unkown jumphole on Sigma-13 (Sector c-5) and whenever i try to dock i am denied i was wondering if anyone knows how to dock with it i tryd to get close to everyone in the System but no dice....anyone know what hole i am talking about??

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 4:47 am

Just a theory (and I don't know this for sure at all - still only have the trial), but maybe it'll open up as the game progresses. I'd ask on the spoiler forum to find out for sure.


Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 3:42 pm

That's the New Berlin jump hole. I do not know when it opens up, only that it is open for me.

Post Tue Mar 11, 2003 6:50 pm

It's probably a story issue. I hate how the game is initially confined when in the SP story, by both jumphole access and mission completeion requirements to gain levels. *mutter* I've just started through a second time and get seriously ticked off trying to get to higher level systems to get an advantage on those I'm going to be fighting in the story. In my opinion they really screwed the pooch with system levels and forcing the story. Both really compromise the realism of the universe.

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